Professorship for Media Culture and Media Philosophy
Organisational unit: Professoship
CCP: Complexity or control? Paradigms for sustainable development
Vilsmaier, U., Lang, D. J., Hörl, E., Laubichler, M., Herberg, J., Caniglia, G., Leistert, O., Schrickel, I., Meyer, E. & Schmieg, G.
Ministry of Science and Culture of the state of Lower Saxony
01.01.15 → 31.03.20
Project: Research
Cultures of Critique: Forms, Media, Effects
Söntgen, B., Hörl, E. & Beyes, T.
01.10.16 → 31.07.21
Project: Research
Cultures of Critique: Forms, Media, Effects
Söntgen, B., Hörl, E., Beyes, T. & Nigro, R.
01.04.21 → 30.09.25
Project: Research
DigiTaL - Digital Transformation Lab for Teaching and Learning
Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre
01.08.21 → 31.12.25
Project: Teaching
Media and Participation. Between demand and entitlement, TP 5: Participatory Critique as Transforming and Transversal "With"
Bippus, E., Brunner, C., Nigro, R., Ochsner, B. & Hörl, E.
01.10.15 → 31.07.22
Project: Research
Souver@nes digitales Lehren und Lernen
Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre
01.08.21 → 31.07.24
Project: Teaching
Technoecologies of Participation: New Perspectives from Media Philosophy and Anthropology
01.08.15 → 31.08.18
Project: Research