Institute of Social Work and Social Pedagogy
Organisational unit: Institute
- Junior Professorship for Inclusion and Diversity
- Professorship for Social and Organisational Psychology of Social Work
- Professorship for Social Pedagogy
- Professorship for Social Pedagogy specialized in Research on Vocational Education and Didactics
- Professorship of Social Pedagogy, in particular Comparative Child Welfare Service Research
- Professorship of Theories and Methods of Childhood Studies
- Professur für Sozialpädagogik, insbesondere Diversity und Gender
Organisation profile
The research activities of the institute are grouped around the overarching theme of "Social Pedagogy in Diverse Societies". The institute's teaching and research take account of current societal challenges, which are characterized by an increasing differentiation and heterogenization of life situations, identities and related social problems. Accordingly, the resulting disciplinary, professional and practical consequences for social pedagogy must be empirically mapped and theoretically penetrated.
Thematically, the institute is oriented towards four overlapping strands of social pedagogical research, which are grounded in national and international traditions of theory building and empirical research:
- Welfare State and Social Services
- Gender and violence
- Childhood and youth research
- Vocational education research in social work and social pedagogy
As one of a few locations in Germany, Leuphana is currently establishing a research focus on social pedagogy with a polyvalent orientation. Basic and application-oriented research is being conducted with a view to both occupational field-oriented and training-oriented topics.
Main research areas
The research areas at the institute take an interdisciplinary social science approach to numerous internationally relevant topics in social pedagogy, such as child and youth welfare and child protection; domestic violence, inequalities, stereotyping and prejudice (especially gender, age, ethnicity, religion); (forced) migration; vocational training; trust and empathy in professional-client relationships.
Qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods approaches are used. At the same time, the anchoring in essential reference disciplines of social pedagogy (educational science, psychology and sociology) and interdisciplinary joint research projects play a decisive role for the institute.
"Flucht sollte als Teil der Schulkultur mitgedacht werden"
Kollender, E. & Schwendowius, D.
1 item of Media coverage
Vorstellung der Studie "Gewinnung von Lehrkräften für die berufliche Ausbildung sozialpädagogischer Fachkräfte in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe"
Ornig, N., Himberg, E., Karber, A. & Liebig, M.
1 Media contribution
"Erziehung und Schule - Jetzt beeil dich doch mal". Sandra Markert zum Zeitverständnis von Kindern u.a. mit Interviewbeiträgen von Tilmann Wahne
1 item of Media coverage
Trust Issues?! Vertrauen als Grundlage gesellschaftlicher Zukunft
Sandermann, P. & Schwenker, V. S.
1 Media contribution
Postcast: Die 70er: Die Neue Frauenbewegung (5/12), aus der NDR Info Postcastreihe "Deine Geschichte – unsere Geschichte"
1 Media contribution
"Ich muss vertrauen, sonst geht gar nichts"
Sandermann, P. & Schwenker, V. S.
1 item of Media coverage
Reflexion von Unterricht: Aufgabenorientiert und videobasiert
Karber, A., Bielski-Wüsthoff, P., Süßenbach, J., Schmidt, T., Beckmann, T. & Padberg-Gehle, K.
1 Media contribution