Organisation profile
The institute consists of two departments: philosophy and art history.
Main research areas
Since the winter semester 2016/17, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has established a DFG Research Training Group, "Cultures of Critique. Forms, Media, Effects", in which the IPK is significantly involved (speaker: Prof. Dr. Beate Söntgen).
The Institute is also represented at the Leuphana Institute of Advanced Studies for Culture and Society (co-director: Prof. Dr. Susanne Leeb) and is significantly involved in the Center for Critical Studies (speaker: Dr. Ben Trott).
With the Lichtenberg Professorship (Prof. Dr. Lynn Rother), funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, Leuphana University has the first permanent full professorship dedicated entirely to questions of provenance research, looted art, and restitution.
The Kunstraum, which is connected to the Institute of Philosophy and Art History, offers a close practical connection to contemporary art and its actors.
- 1993
- Published
Kinder in der Jugendhilfe
Wuggenig, U., 1993, Handbuch der Kindheitsforschung. Markefka, M. & Nauck, B. (eds.). Neuwied / Berlin: Luchterhand Verlag, p. 525-535 11 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research
- Published
Öffentlichkeit und öffentliche Meinung: Die soziologische Perspektive
Wuggenig, U., 1993, Konzepte von Öffentlichkeit: 3. Lüneburger Kolloquium zur Medienwissenschaft. Faulstich, W. (ed.). Bardowick: Wissenschaftler-Verlag, p. 16-29 14 p. (IfAM-Arbeitsberichte; vol. 11).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research
- Published
Soziologie des Publikums / Sociology of the Audience
Wuggenig, U. & Kockot, V., 1993, Das Bild der Ausstellung: The Image of the Exhibition. Brüderlin, M. (ed.). Wien: Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst Wien, p. 82-90 9 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research
- Published
STURMA, D., 1993, In: Kant-Studien. 84, 3, p. 387-390 4 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Critical reviews › Research
- 1992
- Published
Der Betrachter ist im Bild. Kunstwissenschaft und Rezeptionsästhetik
Kemp, W. (Editor), 1992, Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag. 353 p.Research output: Books and anthologies › Collected editions and anthologies › Research
- 1991
- Published
Los medios de comunicación en Europa: Transformación de estructuras de un contexto cambiante
Pohoryles, R. J., Schlesinger, P. & Wuggenig, U., 04.1991, In: Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación, Tecnología y Sociedad. 25, p. 54-59 6 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research
- Published
Arbeitslosigkeit und Spaltungsprozesse in der Gesellschaft der BRD
Wuggenig, U. & Engel, U., 1991, Bewältigung von Arbeitslosigkeit im sozialen Kontext: Programme, Initiativen, Evaluationen. Kieselbach, T. & Wacker, A. (eds.). Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag, p. 65-87 23 p. (Psychologie sozialer Ungleichhei; vol. 2).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research
- Published
Statistische Auswertungsverfahren nominalskalierter Daten
Wuggenig, U. & Engel, U., 1991, Handbuch Qualitative Sozialforschung. Grundlagen, Konzepte, Methoden und Anwendungen. Flick, U., von Kardorff, E., Keupp, H., von Rosenstiel, L. & Wollf, S. (eds.). München: Psychologie Verlagsunion, p. 237-243 7 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research
- 1990
- Published
Europe and the Media: Changing Structures in a Changing Context
Pohoryles, R. J., Schlesinger, P. & Wuggenig, U., 01.06.1990, In: Innovation - The European Journal of Social Science Research. 3, 2, p. 219-225 7 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Other (editorial matter etc.) › Research
- Published
Media Structure in West Germany
Wuggenig, U. & Giegler, H., 01.06.1990, In: Innovation - The European Journal of Social Science Research. 3, 2, p. 321-360 40 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research