Institute of Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media

Organisational unit: Institute

Organisation profile

The ICAM researches the conditions, effects and aesthetics of digital media in connection with processes of culturalization, the technologization of social and economic relations, and the generation and archiving of knowledge. Our studies reflect on how (digital) media always also contribute to shaping the signs and objects they store, transmit or process in a specific way. At the same time, we are interested in how certain cultural techniques contribute to shaping the usage and areas of application of digital media.

Researchers at the ICAM explore the cultural and technological history of digital media—from cybernetics and the beginnings of the computer all the way to present-day network technologies, from textual and acoustic to visual forms of media representation, and from the classics to current concepts of media theory formation.

Main research areas

The ICAM researches the conditions, effects and aesthetics of digital media in connection with processes of culturalization, the technologization of social and economic relations, and the generation and archiving of knowledge. Our studies reflect on how (digital) media always also contribute to shaping the signs and objects they store, transmit or process in a specific way. At the same time, we are interested in how certain cultural techniques contribute to shaping the usage and areas of application of digital media.

In the different core areas researchers at the ICAM explore the cultural and technological history of digital media—from cybernetics and the beginnings of the computer all the way to present-day network technologies, from textual and acoustic to visual forms of media representation, and from the classics to current concepts of media theory formation. 

The ICAM maintains close institutional contact and cooperates with the Leuphana, e.g., the Moving Image Lab of the Innovation Incubator, the Leuphana College, the Leuphana Arts Program and the Leuphana Graduate School. Furthermore, the ICAM is responsible for the Audio and Video Labs of the Computer and Media Center of Leuphana. 

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  1. Interview by Geert Lovink for the Institute of Network Cultures

    Lovink, G. & Tollmann, V.


    1 item of Media coverage


  2. Was vom 13. August geblieben ist. Ein Anfang mitten in der Geschichte

    Gräfe, A. & Beichelt, T.


    1 Media contribution


  3. Popkultur und Künstliche Intelligenz

    Großmann, R.


    1 item of Media coverage


  4. Kann AI Kunst? Tipps und Tool zu Bildgenerierung

    Warnke, M.


    1 Media contribution


  5. Wie man erfolgreich auf Twitch streamt

    Hille, L.


    1 Media contribution


  6. Radio Bremen 2

    Vehlken, S.


    1 Media contribution


  7. Ein Marathonlauf

    Müggenburg, J.


    1 item of Media coverage


  8. Gadget-Inspektor

    Müggenburg, J.


    1 item of Media coverage


  9. Die neue Angst: Wie lange hält der Akku noch?

    Müggenburg, J.


    1 item of Media coverage


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