Institute of New Venture Management
Organisational unit: Institute
Organisation profile
Welcome to the homepage of the Institute of New Venture Management at the School of Management and Technology.
The Institute of New Venture Management of Management and Technology of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg consists of the Professorship for Business Administration, in Particular Business Start-Ups (Prof. Dr. Schulte).
Main research areas
Start-up management refers to the target-oriented business management of entrepreneurial foundings and early development processes. We conduct research, teaching and transfer on this still young part of decision-oriented business administration. On this website you find the most important information about us and our activities.
Unternehmerpotentiale im Handwerk finden und fördern
Schulte, R. (Project manager, academic), Brüning, E. (Project manager, academic), Beu, J. (Project manager, academic) & Klandt, H. (Project manager, academic)
01.01.98 → 01.08.98
Project: Research
Gründungspanel NRW: Accompanying research for the NRW support "Meistergründungsprämie for business start-ups in the craft trades"
Schulte, R. (Project manager, academic)
01.01.01 → 31.12.13
Project: Research
Coordination of university surveys with respect to entrepre-neurship/business start-ups
Tegtmeier, S. (Project manager, academic)
01.06.03 → 31.12.07
Project: Transfer (Scientific Services)
Virtual Competence Centre for Setting up and Ensuring Businesses (VICO)
Tegtmeier, S. (Project manager, academic)
01.01.04 → 31.12.05
Project: Transfer (Scientific Services)
VICO: Virtuelles Kompetenzzentrum für Existenzgründung und -sicherung
Schulte, R. (Project manager, academic)
01.03.04 → 31.12.04
Project: Transfer (R&D project)
Institutionelle Förderung Gründungspanelforschung
Schulte, R. (Project manager, academic)
03.12.04 → 31.12.22
Project: Research
Comprehensive service brochure and a website for students "Setting up a Business - Leuphana University of Lueneburg"
Tegtmeier, S. (Project manager, academic)
01.08.05 → 31.10.06
Project: Transfer (Scientific Services)
NFM-H: Nachhaltiges Flächenmanagement Hannover. Entwicklung und Erprobung eines fondsbasierten Finanzierungskonzepts zur Schaffung wirtschaftlicher Anreize für die Mobilisierung von Brach- und Reserveflächen
Degenhart, H. (Project manager, academic), Holstenkamp, L. (Project staff) & Clausen, S. (Project staff)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
01.01.06 → 30.06.09
Project: Research
DIANA: Potenzialanalyse und Entwicklung des Konzepts universitärer Übungsfirmen - Didaktische Innovation durch Modellierung und Erprobung von "Managing Gender- and Diversity"-Ansätzen - Teilprojekt Objektstrukturen
Schulte, R. (Project manager, academic)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
01.12.06 → 30.11.08
Project: Research