Institute of German Language and Literature Studies and their Didactics
Organisational unit: Institute
- Junior Professorship for Applied Linguistics
- Professorship for German Language and Language Instruction
- Professorship for German Language Instruction
- Professorship for German Literature
- Professorship for Literary Studies and Methodology of Teaching Literature
- Professur für Empirische Forschung zu Sprache und Bildung
- Professur für Deutsche Sprache und ihre Didaktik für die Sekundarstufe
Organisation profile
The institute is at an intersection between linguistics, didactics, educational- and cultural sciences regarding research and teaching. It is involved in several degree programmes, such as "Teaching and Learning, B.A.", "Master of Education (M.Ed.)", the "Leuphana B.A." and the major in cultural studies (M.A.). Scientific research and the promotion of young scientists are a central concern of the institute. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to complete their doctoral studies (Dr. phil.).
The institute consists of two departments, German literature studies and their didactics and German language studies and their didactics.
Main research areas
Research Activities
Literature Studies and their Didactics
Applied Linguistics
Didactics of Teaching German
Modern German Literature Studies
German Language and its Didactics/ Applied Linguistics
German Language and its Didactics for Secondary Schools
- 2018
Schrift: klar strukturiert - voller Bedeutung - gut lehr- und lernbar
Weinhold, S. (Speaker)
07.12.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Transfer
- 2019
Beltz Juventa Verlag (Publisher)
De Carvalho Rodrigues, T. (Editorial Board)
2019Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of publicationen › Research
Entwicklungssensitives sprachliches Lehrerhandeln zur Förderung der Bildungssprache
Rose, S. (Speaker) & Kleinschmidt-Schinke, K. (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Transfer
Förderung selbstregulierten Lesens im Unterricht. Eine Untersuchung in BiSS-Schulen
Schmitz, A. (presenter), Jost, J. (presenter) & Souvignier, E. (Coauthor)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › talk or presentation in privat or public events › Research
Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik (Journal)
Schmitz, A. (Reviewer)
2019 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of publicationen › Research
Kommunikation und Interaktion im Unterricht – im Fokus: Analyse der Interaktion zwischen Lehrpersonen und Schüler/-innen
Kleinschmidt-Schinke, K. (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Publisher)
Weinhold, S. (Editor)
2019 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editor of series › Research
Symposion Deutschdidaktik e.V. (External organisation)
Schmitz, A. (Speaker) & Stephany, S. (Speaker)
2019 → …Activity: Membership › Learned societies and special interest organisations › Research
Zeitschrift für Empirische Hochschulforschung (Journal)
Neumann, A. (Reviewer)
01.2019 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of publicationen › Research
Friedrich Fröbel, Patsche-Kuchen, Vorlesung in der Reihe „10 Minuten Lyrik“
Gann, T. (Speaker)
09.01.2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Transfer