Institute of Sociology and Cultural Organization

Organisational unit: Institute

Organisation profile

The Institute of Sociology and Cultural Organisation (ISCO) is part of the Faculty of Cultural Studies. The research at ISCO is focused on topics of sociology and on issues of cultural organisation(s) in society. Mostly in the degree programs of the Faculty of Cultural Studies we teach general sociological and cultural theoretical courses and interdisciplinary courses of organisational theory with respect to arts and culture. At the following Websites you will find more detailed information about our areas of research and teaching in sociology and cultural organisation.


In der Forschung ist das Institut an den Schwerpunkten „Kulturen des Konflikts“ und „Digitale Kulturen“ beteiligt. Hier bringt es Analysen im Bereich der soziologischen Theorie, der politischen Soziologie, der Migrationsforschung, der Rechts- und Kriminalsoziologie, der Arbeitssoziologie, der Soziologie der Kultur sowie der Technik- und Medienforschung, aber auch Analysen von Geschlechterverhältnissen ein. Mit seinen Arbeiten leistet das Institut einen Beitrag zum Erkenntnisfortschritt auf unterschiedlichen Feldern des Soziokulturellen und seines Wandels.


  1. 2024
  2. Published

    AI and urban governance: from the perils of smart cities to Amazon Inc. urbanism

    Antenucci, I. & Meissner, F., 21.06.2024, Handbook on Public Policy and Artificial Intelligence. Paul, R., Carmel, E. & Cobbe, J. (eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing, p. 423-434 12 p. (Handbooks on Research on Public Policy).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapterpeer-review

  3. E-pub ahead of print

    The Deportation Gap as a Statistical Chimera: How Nonknowledge Informs Migration Policies

    Scheel, S., 21.06.2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Geopolitics. 23 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  4. Published


    Waters, T., 20.06.2024, In: Journal of the Siam Society. 112, 1, p. 191-196 6 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    General Ne Win’s Legacy of Burmanization in Myanmar: The Challenge to Peace in the Twenty-First Century

    Htoo, S. E. & Waters, T., 16.05.2024, Springer Nature AG. 225 p.

    Research output: Books and anthologiesBook

  6. Published

    COVID Capitalism: The Contested Logistics of Migrant Labour Supply Chains in the Double Crisis

    Scheel, S., Álvarez Velasco, S. & De Genova, N., 05.2024, In: Politics. 44, 2, p. 175-187 13 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsOther (editorial matter etc.)Research

  7. Published

    Organizing Colour: Toward a Chromatics of the Social

    Beyes, T., 01.03.2024, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 292 p. (Sensing Media: Aesthetics, Philosophy, and Cultures of Media)

    Research output: Books and anthologiesMonographsResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    Politiken der Dominanz: Das Polizieren von Protest in Deutschland

    Kretschmann, A. & Legnaro, A., 01.03.2024, Politiken der Un-Ordnung: Das Polizieren von Protest in Frankreich. Kretschmann, A. & Legnaro, A. (eds.). 1. ed. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, p. 1 - 69 69 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Politiken der Un-Ordnung: Das Polizieren von Protest in Frankreich

    Kretschmann, A. (ed.), Legnaro, A. (ed.), Fillieule, O. & Jobard, F., 01.03.2024, Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 300 p.

    Research output: Books and anthologiesCollected editions and anthologiesResearch

  10. Published

    Reinventing the Politics of Knowledge Production in Migration Studies: Introduction to the Special Issue

    Amelung, N., Scheel, S. & van Reekum, R., 21.02.2024, In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 50, 9, p. 2163-2187 25 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsOther (editorial matter etc.)Research

  11. Published

    Interpreting Strings, Weaving Threads: Structuring Provenance Data with AI

    Rother, L., Mariani, F. & Koss, M., 31.01.2024, Sammlungsforschung im digitalen Zeitalter: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Grenzen. Günther, K. & Alschner, S. (eds.). Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, p. 93-103 11 p. ( Kulturen des Sammelns. Akteure, Objekte, Medien; vol. 5).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

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