Investigating Factors on R estorative Sleep Quality and its Relationship with Personal Work Performance - An Analysis of Diary Data

Publikation: Arbeits- oder Diskussionspapiere und BerichteArbeits- oder Diskussionspapiere


Objective: Restorative sleep quality is crucial for an individual’s life quality and mental health. It is potentially influenced by a multitude of psychological factors. Further, personal job performance might be affected by restorative sleep quality and can represent an important factor for an individual’s personal growth and self-esteem. We evaluated how participants of online-based regeneration studies respond to sleep related items. We analyzed the effects of mental detachment from work, sleep effort, positive work reflection, and recreational activities on restorative sleep quality and subsequently its relationship with the individual performance level. Based on self-reported diary data of 432 participants including 13,984 observations, we identify influences of the predictors by using an individualized generalized ordered logit model in a Bayesian framework and estimate the parameters by employing Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques. Our findings indicate that rumination and high sleep effort influenced restorative sleep quality negatively whereas positive work reflection and recreational activities affected the restorative sleep quality positively. Additionally, the sleep quality had a positive impact on the individual performance. We further demonstrated how individualized ordered logit models can lead to an improved performance in this context. Our findings help to gain deeper insight into the behavior of participants by revealing influences of psychological factors and thereby supporting treatment strategies in order to enhance overall therapy success.
Anzahl der Seiten14
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 24.07.2018