Incentives for Lifelong Learning? German Institutions in Comparison

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in SammelwerkenForschung


In Germany, as almost everywhere in the world, the working population is aging. It is predicted that in the year 2020 almost 40 percent of the working population will be more than 50 years old.1 This demographic change in the labor force calls for action: The aging workforce needs to be kept up to date with modern technologies and developments. Investments in human capital become an unavoidable expense. Lifelong learning will be inevitable. This seems to provide challenges for governments, firms, and employees, which — at least in Germany — are not yet been met.
TitelTransformation in der Ökonomie : Festschrift für Gerhard Schwödiauer zum 65. Geburtstag
HerausgeberHorst Gischer, Peter Reichling, Thomas Spengler, Alois Wenig
Anzahl der Seiten21
VerlagGabler Verlag
ISBN (Print)978-3-8349-1058-5
ISBN (elektronisch)978-3-8349-8096-0
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2008
Extern publiziertJa