Berta Martín-López
Prof. Dr.
- 2011
Relationships between hydrological regime and ecosystem services supply in a Caribbean coastal wetland: a social-ecological approach: a social-ecological approach
Vilardy, S. P., González, J. A., Martín-López, B. & Montes, C., 12.2011, in: Hydrological Sciences Journal. 56, 8, S. 1423-1435 13 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
Social preferences regarding the delivery of ecosystem services in a semiarid Mediterranean region
Castro, A. J., Martín-López, B., García-LLorente, M., Aguilera, P. A., López, E. & Cabello, J., 11.2011, in: Journal of Arid Environments. 75, 11, S. 1201-1208 8 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
Analyzing the social factors that influence willingness to pay for invasive alien species management under two different strategies: Eradication and prevention
García-Llorente, M., Martín-López, B., Nunes, P. A. L. D., González, J. A., Alcorlo, P. & Montes, C., 09.2011, in: Environmental Management. 48, 3, S. 418-435 18 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
The conservation against development paradigm in protected areas: Valuation of ecosystem services in the Doñana social-ecological system (southwestern Spain)
Martín-López, B., García-Llorente, M., Palomo, I. & Montes, C., 15.06.2011, in: Ecological Economics. 70, 8, S. 1481-1491 11 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
Corrigendum to "What drives policy decision-making related to species conservation?" [Biol. Conserv. 142 (2010) 1370-1380]
Martín-López, B., Montes, C., Ramírez, L. & Benayas, J., 05.2011, in: Biological Conservation. 144, 5, S. 1778-1778 1 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Kommentare / Debatten / Berichte › Forschung
Equilibrium of vegetation and climate at the European rear edge. A reference for climate change planning in mountainous Mediterranean regions
Ruiz-Labourdette, D., Martínez, F., Martín-López, B., Montes, C. & Pineda, F. D., 05.2011, in: International Journal of Biometeorology. 55, 3, S. 285-301 17 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
The pitfall-trap of species conservation priority setting
Martín-López, B., González, J. A. & Montes, C., 03.2011, in: Biodiversity and Conservation. 20, 3, S. 663-682 20 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
Exploring the motivations of protesters in contingent valuation: Insights for conservation policies
García-Llorente, M., Martín-López, B. & Montes, C., 01.2011, in: Environmental Science & Policy. 14, 1, S. 76-88 13 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
La conservación de biodiversidad en España: Atención científica, construcción social e interés político
Martín-López, B., Martín-Forés, I., González, J. A. & Montes, C., 01.2011, in: Ecosistemas. 20, 1, S. 104-113 10 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
Participatory scenario planning for protected areas management under the ecosystem services framework: The Doñana social-ecological system in Southwestern Spain
Palomo, I., Martín-López, B., López-Santiago, C. & Montes, C., 2011, in: Ecology and Society. 16, 1, 33 S., 23.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet