Energy Research and Social Science, 2214-6296
Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift
- 2024
- Erschienen
Building energy institutions in a conflict zone: Interventions by international organisations in Afghanistan
Fahimi, A., Upham, P. & Pflitsch, G., 01.10.2024, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 116, 22 S., 103711.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Institutional arrangements and sustainable maintenance management of community-based mini-grids in Tanzania
Ngoti, I. F., 01.09.2024, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 115, 10 S., 103632.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- Erschienen
Explaining energy transition: A systemic social mechanisms approach illustrated with the examples of Germany and Poland
Weisenfeld, U. & Rollert, K. E., 01.06.2024, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 112, 13 S., 103512.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- 2022
- Erschienen
Thinking, doing, organising: Prefiguring just and sustainable energy systems via collective prosumer ecosystems in Europe
Wittmayer, J. M., Campos, I., Avelino, F., Brown, D., Doračić, B., Fraaije, M., Gährs, S., Hinsch, A., Assalini, S., Becker, T., Marín-González, E., Holstenkamp, L., Bedoić, R., Duić, N., Oxenaar, S. & Pukšec, T., 01.04.2022, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 86, 13 S., 102425.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- 2021
- Erschienen
Phasing out and in: System transition through disassociation in the German energy transition – The case of light and coal
David, M. & Schulte-Römer, N., 01.10.2021, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 80, 6 S., 102204.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- 2020
- Erschienen
Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there
Fazey, I., Schäpke, N., Caniglia, G., Hodgson, A., Kendrick, I., Lyon, C., Page, G., Patterson, J., Riedy, C., Strasser, T., Verveen, S., Adams, D., Goldstein, B., Klaes, M., Leicester, G., Linyard, A., McCurdy, A., Ryan, P., Sharpe, B., Silvestri, G., Abdurrahim, A. Y., Abson, D., Adetunji, O. S., Aldunce, P., Alvarez-Pereira, C., Amparo, J. M., Amundsen, H., Anderson, L., Andersson, L., Asquith, M., Augenstein, K., Barrie, J., Bent, D., Bentz, J., Bergsten, A., Berzonsky, C., Bina, O., Blackstock, K., Boehnert, J., Bradbury, H., Brand, C., Böhme, J., Bøjer, M. M., Carmen, E., Charli-Joseph, L., Choudhury, S., Chunhachoti-ananta, S., Cockburn, J., Colvin, J., Connon, I. L. C., Cornforth, R., Cox, R. S., Cradock-Henry, N., Cramer, L., Cremaschi, A., Dannevig, H., Day, C. T., de Lima Hutchison, C., de Vrieze, A., Desai, V., Dolley, J., Duckett, D., Durrant, R. A., Egermann, M., Elsner (Adams), E., Fremantle, C., Fullwood-Thomas, J., Galafassi, D., Gobby, J., Golland, A., González-Padrón, S. K., Gram-Hanssen, I., Grandin, J., Grenni, S., Lauren Gunnell, J., Gusmao, F., Hamann, M., Harding, B., Harper, G., Hesselgren, M., Hestad, D., Heykoop, C. A., Holmén, J., Holstead, K., Hoolohan, C., Horcea-Milcu, A. I., Horlings, L. G., Howden, S. M., Howell, R. A., Huque, S. I., Inturias Canedo, M. L., Iro, C. Y., Ives, C. D., John, B., Joshi, R., Juarez-Bourke, S., Juma, D. W., Karlsen, B. C., Kliem, L., Kläy, A., Kuenkel, P., Kunze, I., Lam, D., Lang, D. J., Larkin, A., Light, A., Luederitz, C., Luthe, T., Maguire, C., Mahecha-Groot, A. M., Malcolm, J., Marshall, F., Maru, Y., McLachlan, C., Mmbando, P., Mohapatra, S., Moore, M. L., Moriggi, A., Morley-Fletcher, M., Moser, S., Mueller, K. M., Mukute, M., Mühlemeier, S., Naess, L. O., Nieto-Romero, M., Novo, P., ÓBrien, K., O'Connell, D. A., O'Donnell, K., Olsson, P., Pearson, K. R., Pereira, L., Petridis, P., Peukert, D., Phear, N., Pisters, S. R., Polsky, M., Pound, D., Preiser, R., Rahman, M. S., Reed, M. S., Revell, P., Rodriguez, I., Rogers, B. C., Rohr, J., Nordbø Rosenberg, M., Ross, H., Russell, S., Ryan, M., Saha, P., Schleicher, K., Schneider, F., Scoville-Simonds, M., Searle, B., Sebhatu, S. P., Sesana, E., Silverman, H., Singh, C., Sterling, E., Stewart, S. J., Tàbara, J. D., Taylor, D., Thornton, P., Tribaldos, T. M., Tschakert, P., Uribe-Calvo, N., Waddell, S., Waddock, S., van der Merwe, L., van Mierlo, B., van Zwanenberg, P., Velarde, S. J., Washbourne, C. L., Waylen, K., Weiser, A., Wight, I., Williams, S., Woods, M., Wolstenholme, R., Wright, N., Wunder, S., Wyllie, A. & Young, H. R., 01.12.2020, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 70, 18 S., 101724.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- Erschienen
The revolution is conditional? The conditionality of hydrogen fuel cell expectations in five European countries
Upham, P., Bögel, P., Dütschke, E., Burghard, U., Oltra, C., Sala, R., Lores, M. & Brinkmann, J., 12.2020, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 70, 10 S., 101722.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- Erschienen
Rethinking the meaning of “landscape shocks” in energy transitions: German social representations of the Fukushima nuclear accident
Upham, P., Eberhardt, L. & Klapper, R. G., 11.2020, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 69, 12 S., 101710.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
Validity of energy social research during and after COVID-19: challenges, considerations, and responses
Fell, M. J., Pagel, L., Chen, C. F., Goldberg, M. H., Herberz, M., Huebner, G. M., Sareen, S. & Hahnel, U. J. J., 01.10.2020, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 68, 7 S., 101646.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Kommentare / Debatten / Berichte › Forschung
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A cognitive mess: Mixed feelings about wind farms on the Danish coast and the emotions of energy infrastructure opposition
Upham, P. & Johansen, K., 01.08.2020, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 66, 10 S., 101489.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- 2019
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The post-normal politics and science of wind power planning: Evidence from a Danish near-shore wind farm tender
Johansen, K. & Upham, P., 01.07.2019, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 53, S. 182-193 12 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- Erschienen
Purely ornamental? Public perceptions of distributed energy storage in the United Kingdom
Ambrosio-Albalá, P., Upham, P. & Bale, C. S. E., 01.02.2019, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 48, S. 139-150 12 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- 2018
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Energy policy and transdisciplinary transition management arenas in illiberal democracies: A conceptual framework
Noboa, E. & Upham, P., 01.12.2018, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 46, S. 114-124 11 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Übersichtsarbeiten › Forschung
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Multiple streams, resistance and energy policy change in Paraguay (2004–2014)
Llamosas, C., Upham, P. & Blanco, G., 01.08.2018, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 42, August 2018, S. 226-236 11 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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Ten essentials for action-oriented and second order energy transitions, transformations and climate change research
Fazey, I., Schäpke, N., Caniglia, G., Patterson, J., Hultman, J., van Mierlo, B., Säwe, F., Wiek, A., Wittmayer, J., Aldunce, P., Al Waer, H., Battacharya, N., Bradbury, H., Carmen, E., Colvin, J., Cvitanovic, C., D'Souza, M., Gopel, M., Goldstein, B., Hämäläinen, T., Harper, G., Henfry, T., Hodgson, A., Howden, M. S., Kerr, A., Klaes, M., Lyon, C., Midgley, G., Moser, S., Mukherjee, N., Müller, K., O'Brien, K., O'Connell, D. A., Olsson, P., Page, G., Reed, M. S., Searle, B., Silvestri, G., Spaiser, V., Strasser, T., Tschakert, P., Uribe-Calvo, N., Waddell, S., Rao-Williams, J., Wise, R., Wolstenholme, R., Woods, M. & Wyborn, C., 01.06.2018, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 40, June 2018, S. 54-70 17 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Übersichtsarbeiten › Forschung
- Erschienen
Agency and structure in a sociotechnical transition: Hydrogen fuel cells, conjunctural knowledge and structuration in Europe
Upham, P., Dütschke, E., Schneider, U., Oltra, C., Sala, R., Lores, M., Klapper, R. & Bögel, P., 01.03.2018, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 37, S. 163-174 12 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- Erschienen
Status and future dynamics of decentralised renewable energy niche building processes in Argentina
Schaube, P., Ortiz, W. & Recalde, M., 01.2018, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 35, S. 57-67 11 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- 2017
Moving beyond the heuristic of creative destruction: Targeting exnovation with policy mixes for energy transitions
David, M., 11.2017, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 33, S. 138-146 9 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
- 2016
- Erschienen
The role of sustainability in nuclear energy plans: What do national energy strategies tell us?
Gralla, F., John, B., Abson, D. J., Møller, A. P., Bickel, M., Lang, D. J. & von Wehrden, H., 01.12.2016, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 22, S. 94-106 13 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
What motivates people to use energy feedback systems? A multiple goal approach to predict long-term usage behaviour in daily life
Gölz, S. & Hahnel, U. J. J., 01.11.2016, in: Energy Research and Social Science. 21, S. 155-166 12 S.Publikation: Beiträge in Zeitschriften › Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet