Uncivil Society: Artist-Talk with Jonas Höschl

Presse/Medien: Presse / Medien

In his search for belonging and community, Jonas Höschl encounters isolation and segregation. In his prints and video works, he questions the identity-creating potential of political systems and social constructs. Using regional political scandals and European conflicts, he shows the alienation from unifying ideals. The powerlessness of the individual and the power of the many create a field of tension, which is also the basis of media staging.


TitelUncivil Society: Talk with Julian Volz & Jonas Höschl
Medienbezeichnung/OutletRadio 80000
Datum der Veröffentlichung04.06.22
PersonenJulian Volz, Jonas Höschl


In his search for belonging and community, Jonas Höschl encounters isolation and segregation. In his prints and video works, he questions the identity-creating potential of political systems and social constructs. Using regional political scandals and European conflicts, he shows the alienation from unifying ideals. The powerlessness of the individual and the power of the many create a field of tension, which is also the basis of media staging.
