Urban Spaces of Possibility

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenExternen Workshops, Kursen, SeminarenForschung

Sacha Kagan - Organisator*in

Urban Spaces of Possibility

Workshop conducted by Sacha Kagan as part of the "3 ecologies" program month of the Teatro Maria Matos (Lisbon, Portugal), curated by Liliana Coutinho, Mark Deputter and Vera Mantero:

How can we sense and probe the spaces of possibility that urban actors are opening up in their search for sustainable forms of living together and urban development, recognizing their aesthetic qualities? This workshop proposes an empirical approach to urban life that is rooted in walking­-based transdisciplinary research (at the convergence of art, phenomenology and social sciences) and in sensory ethnography.

On April 2, we will start with a morning session introducing the theoretical and methodological approach. Over the afternoon, small teams will practice “walking­ with video” (after Sarah Pink) with selected actors from local initiatives, sharing place­making through sensescape lines. Thereafter, the teams will conduct quasi-­transect walks (attentive to context and to changing urban atmospheres) towards a gathering point where all teams will informally convene over the evening.

On April 5, each team will present a selection of video­-extracts, which we will re­interpret together. We will then look together for shared insights and explore their potential relevance for workshop participants.

Workshop conducted by Sacha Kagan as part of the "3 ecologies" program month of the Teatro Maria Matos (Lisbon, Portugal), curated by Liliana Coutinho, Mark Deputter and Vera Mantero.
Urban Spaces of Possibility


Urban Spaces of Possibility


Lisbon, Portugal

Veranstaltung: Workshop

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