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  1. 2018
  2. Published

    A review of ecological gradient research in the Tropics: identifying research gaps, future directions, and conservation priorities

    Muenchow, J., Dieker, P., Kluge, J., Kessler, M. & von Wehrden, H., 01.02.2018, In: Biodiversity and Conservation. 27, 2, p. 273-285 13 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsScientific review articlesResearch

  3. Published

    How Participatory Should Environmental Governance Be? Testing the Applicability of the Vroom-Yetton-Jago Model in Public Environmental Decision-Making

    Lührs, N., Jager, N. W., Challies, E. & Newig, J., 01.02.2018, In: Environmental Management. 61, 2, p. 249-262 14 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Integrating methods for ecosystem service assessment: Experiences from real world situations

    Dunford, R., Harrison, P., Smith, A., Dick, J., Barton, D. N., Martin-Lopez, B., Kelemen, E., Jacobs, S., Saarikoski, H., Turkelboom, F., Verheyden, W., Hauck, J., Antunes, P., Aszalós, R., Badea, O., Baró, F., Berry, P., Carvalho, L., Conte, G., Czúcz, B., Garcia Blanco, G., Howard, D., Giuca, R., Gomez-Baggethun, E., Grizetti, B., Izakovicova, Z., Kopperoinen, L., Langemeyer, J., Luque, S., Lapola, D. M., Martinez-Pastur, G., Mukhopadhyay, R., Roy, S. B., Niemelä, J., Norton, L., Ochieng, J., Odee, D., Palomo, I., Pinho, P., Priess, J., Rusch, G., Saarela, S. R., Santos, R., van der Wal, J. T., Vadineanu, A., Vári, Á., Woods, H. & Yli-Pelkonen, V., 01.02.2018, In: Ecosystem Services. 29, Part C, p. 499-514 16 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Organic farming promotes bee abundance in vineyards in Italy but not in South Africa

    Kehinde, T., von Wehrden, H., Samways, M., Klein, A. M. & Brittain, C., 01.02.2018, In: Journal of Insect Conservation. 22, 1, p. 61-67 7 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  6. Review Kerry-Anne Mendoza, 2015, Austerity: The Demolition of the Welfare State and the Rise of the Zombie Economy

    Möller, S., 01.02.2018, In: Political Studies Review. 16, 1, p. NP86-NP86 1 p., NP86.

    Research output: Journal contributionsCritical reviewsResearch

  7. Published

    Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition alters growth responses of European beech (Fagus sylvativa L.) to climate change

    Hess, C., Niemeyer, T., Fichtner, A., Jansen, K., Kunz, M., Maneke, M., von Wehrden, H., Quante, M., Walmsley, D., von Oheimb, G. & Härdtle, W., 02.2018, In: Environmental Pollution. 233, p. 92-98 7 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  8. Brand mit Ansage: Der Grenfell Tower als Exempel

    Möller, S., 02.2018, In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik. 2018, 2, p. 29-34 6 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsTransfer

  9. Published

    Bank stock performance and bank regulation around the globe

    Pelster, M., Irresberger, F. & Weiß, G., 22.01.2018, In: European Journal of Finance. 24, 2, p. 77-113 37 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Doing Gender – Doing Space – Doing Body: Feministische Kritiken an der De/Ökonomisierung von ‚Natur/en‘ – Entwicklung einer Forschungsperspektive

    Hofmeister, S., Mölders, T. & Onnen, C., 22.01.2018, In: Open Gender Journal. 2, 20 p., 14.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  11. Published

    The glocal curriculum: A model for transnational collaboration in higher education for sustainable development

    Caniglia, G., John, B., Bellina, L., Lang, D. J., Wiek, A., Cohmer, S. & Laubichler, M. D., 10.01.2018, In: Journal of Cleaner Production. 171, p. 368 - 376 9 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review