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  1. Chapter › Research › Not peer-reviewed
  2. Published

    Theoretical Reflections on Education for Sustainable Development and Digital Technologies

    Stoltenberg, U. & Michelsen, G., 17.04.2023, Digitalization, New Media, and Education for Sustainable Development. Keller, L., Michelsen, G., Dür, M., Bachri, S. & Zint, M. (eds.). IGI Global Publishing, p. 1-13 13 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapter

  3. Published

    Transformation verstehen lernen: Nachhaltigkeitsbildung und Data Literacy Education in der Studieneingangsphase

    Weiser, A., van Deest, J. & Barth, M., 26.09.2022, Digitale Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung: Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für die Hochschulbildung. Weselek, J., Kohler, F. & Siegmund, A. (eds.). Springer, p. 53-65 13 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapter

  4. Published

    Umwelt-Governance und Partizipation

    Rose, M. & Newig, J., 13.01.2024, Handbuch Umweltsoziologie. Sonnberger, M., Bleicher, A. & Groß, M. (eds.). 2 ed. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, p. 759-774 16 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapter

  5. Published


    Gschwendtner, H., 01.01.2000, Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Schaltegger, S. (ed.). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, p. 5-69 65 p. (Studium der Umweltwissenschaften).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapter

  6. Published

    Zur Symbiose von Integrated Reporting und Controlling: Einbettung in die empirische Forschung und Handlungsempfehlungen

    Velte, P., 01.01.2022, Handbuch Controlling. Becker, W. & Ulrich, P. (eds.). 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte ed. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, p. 1213-1231 19 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapter

  7. Chapter › Research › Peer-reviewed
  8. Published

    Achieving Environmental-Economic Sustainability Through Corporate Environmental Strategies: Empirical Evidence on Environmental Shareholder Value

    Wagner, M., 2006, Sustainability Accounting and Reporting. Schaltegger, S., Bennett, M. & Burritt, R. (eds.). Dordrecht: Springer, p. 183-206 24 p. (Eco-Efficiency in industry and science; vol. 21).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapterpeer-review

  9. Published

    Agro-biodiversity as natural insurance and the development of financial insurance markets

    Baumgärtner, S. & Quaas, M. F., 06.10.2008, Agrobiodiversity conservation and economic development. Kontoleon, A., Pascual, U. & Smale, M. (eds.). Abingdon: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, p. 293-317 25 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapterpeer-review

  10. Published

    An idea and a person whose time had come: How Albert Schweitzer became a postwar icon

    Oermann, N. O., Thate, M. J. & Widmann, E., 01.01.2016, Albert Schweitzer in Thought and Action: A Life in Parts. Carleton-Paget, J. & Thate, M. J. (eds.). Syracuse University Press, p. 319-329 11 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapterpeer-review

  11. Published

    Assessment for Transformation – Higher Education Thrives in Redefining Quality Systems

    Fadeeva, Z., Galkute, L., Mader, C. & Scott, G., 11.2014, Sustainable Development and Quality Assurance in Higher Education : Transformation of Learning and Society : Transformation of Learning and Society. Fadeeva, Z., Galkute, L., Mader, C. & Scott, G. (eds.). London: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 1-22 22 p. 1. (Palgrave Studies in Global Higher Education).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapterpeer-review

  12. Published

    Assessment of Competencies for Sustainability in Secondary Education in Mexico

    Rodríguez-Aboytes, J. G. & Nieto-Caraveo, L. M., 2018, Sustainable Development Research and Practice in Mexico and Selected Latin American Countries. Filho, W. L., Noyola-Cherpitel, R., Medellin-Milan, P. & Vargas, V. R. (eds.). Cham: Springer, p. 199-216 18 p. (World Sustainability Series).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapterpeer-review