Learning Analytics with Matlab Grader in Undergraduate Engineering Courses

Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review


The presented paper deals with the development and evaluation of a teaching-learning innovation for better student support in the introductory phase of engineering studies. Previous results of a longitudinal study on the study entry phase have shown that there is a strong heterogeneity in terms of prior knowledge of maths and electrical engineering and that there are general deficits in computer skills. To counteract this, a digitally supported introductory study phase was designed with the help of learning analytics through data acquisition via matlab grader, which enables an effective transition from school to university and improves study skills at the start of the degree programme. In the long term, the implementation of learning analytics should also serve to recognise students at risk at an early stage and enable interventions. This paper aims to contribute to the current discussion on technology in engineering studies, offering both theoretical and practical perspectives. Topics such as the design of an improved introduction phase, agile adaptations to future developments and support for students in the use of technology is addressed, and approaches to evaluation methods for quality assurance and validation will be presented. The evaluation results of the teaching-learning innovation with Matlab Grader show that there is a correlation between the exam grade and the use of 431 Matlab Grader. It was also found that the number of tasks completed has a significant correlation on the grade achieved. The feedback from students on the introduction of the new concept indicates that the use of Matlab Grader helps many students to solve exercises and also increases motivation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication52nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings : Educating Responsible Engineers
EditorsJessica Dehler Zufferey, Greet Langie, Roland Tormey, Balázs Vince Nagy
Number of pages8
Place of PublicationBrüssel
PublisherEuropean Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)
Publication date2024
ISBN (electronic)978-2-87352-027-4
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Event52nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education - SEFI 2024: Educating Responsible Engineers - Lausanne Schweiz, Lausanne, Switzerland
Duration: 02.09.202405.09.2024
Conference number: 52

    Research areas

  • Engineering - Learning Analytics, Matlab Grader, Individual support for first-year students, IT tools in teaching