Integration of Environmental Management Information Systems and ERP systems using Integration Platforms

Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review


Since the 90s there have been a number of research projects attempting to model the environmental impact of products in ERP systems and so integrate environmental impacts into the operative decision-making and communication of companies with their customers. Such concepts have however so far failed to become comprehensively established in practice because of the high initial costs. In this paper we propose an approach and a reference architecture that allows an increasing level of automation when calculating environmental impact by using existing data from external databases. We concentrate on the operations of a company that would like to make environmental impact data available to its customers.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInformation Technologies in Environmental Engineering - Proceedings of the 4th International ICSC Symposium, ITEE 2009 : proceedings of the 4th International ICSC Symposium, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 28 - 29, 2009
EditorsIoannis N. Athanasiadis, Pericles A. Mitkas, Andrea E. Rizzoli, Jorge Marx Gómez
Number of pages11
Place of PublicationBerlin
Publication date2009
ISBN (print)978-3-540-88350-0
ISBN (electronic)978-3-540-88351-7
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Event4th International ICSC Symposium on Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering - 2009 - Thessaloniki, Greece
Duration: 28.05.200929.05.2009
Conference number: 4

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