Völz, S.,
Life Narratives, Creativity, and the Social in the Americas. Raussert, W. & Teixeira, S. R. (eds.). Berlin, Boston:
De Gruyter Saur,
p. 183-200 18 p. (American Frictions; vol. 11).
Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Chapter › peer-review
Völz, S.,
Handbook of the American Short Story. Redling, E. & Scheiding, O. (eds.). Berlin:
Walter de Gruyter GmbH,
p. 425-443 19 p. (Handbooks of English and American studies; vol. 15).
Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Chapter › peer-review
Völz, S.,
Rethinking the Language Learner: Paradigmen - Methoden - Disziplinen: 7. Bremer Symposion zum Sprachenlernen. Brandt, A., Buschmann-Göbels, A. & Harsch, C. (eds.). Bochum:
Vol. 53.
p. 228-236 9 p. (Fremdsprache in Lehre und Forschung; vol. 53).
Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Education › peer-review