Elementgehalte von Kiefern- und Fichtennadeln südlich von Frankfurt/Main

Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review


In this article data from a forest-ecological proof securing procedure in the Rhine-Main Valley during the years 1981 to 1991 are being used to investigate changes in the content of elements in pine and spruce needles over time and as they become older. The data are evaluated by means of time series and repeated measures analysis.
For the pine needles a significant decrease of the content of K, MG, Na, Fe, Al, and Pb can be found whlie their general nutritive status is sufficient.
The spruce trees clearly form two groups that differ not only in their mean content of elements, but also in the accumulation of nutritive elements. Possible dependencies on the degree of soil acidification are discussed.
Translated title of the contributionContent of elements in pine and spruce needles south of Frankfurt/Main
Original languageGerman
JournalAllgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)1-6
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 01.1997
Externally publishedYes