Art History Update

Research output: Books and anthologiesSpecial Journal issueResearch


  • Beate Söntgen (Editor)
  • Isabelle Graw (Editor)
  • Jules Pelta Feldman (Editor)
  • Ana Magalhães (Editor)
This December issue of Texte zur Kunst attempts an “update” of art historical methods, which have been regularly reflected upon since the publication’s founding. The pressing questions of the moment not only ask whether the discipline is able to come to terms with its own history, including its inherent sexisms, racisms, and classicisms, but also whether the development of scholarly practices that advance the equality of different viewpoints and epistemologies is possible. The contributions collected in this issue lay bare art history’s still-existing entanglement in Eurocentric perspectives and propose alternative methodological and theoretical approaches to an expanded field of subject matter.
Original languageGerman
Place of PublicationBerlin
PublisherTEXTE ZUR KUNST Verlag
Number of pages240
ISBN (print)978-3-946564-26-3
Publication statusPublished - 12.2022

Publication series

NameTexte zur Kunst
ISSN (Print)0940-9596

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