Rainer Höger

Prof. Dr.

Rainer Höger


Prof. Dr. Rainer Höger

  1. 2020
  2. Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (Organisational unit)

    Höger, R. (Chair)


    Activity: MembershipLeuphana academic councils and committeesLeuphana Academic Committees

  3. 2019
  4. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie e.V. (External organisation)

    Höger, R. (Member)


    Activity: MembershipLearned societies and special interest organisationsTransfer

  5. Gesellschaft für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft e.V. (External organisation)

    Höger, R. (Member)


    Activity: MembershipLearned societies and special interest organisationsTransfer

  6. 2018
  7. 6th International Conference ON Driver Distraction And Inattention - DDI 2018

    Höger, R. (Participant)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  8. Keeping drivers engaged in automated driving through maneuver control - effects on perceived control and responsibilities

    Siebert, F. (Speaker), Radtke, F. (Coauthor), Kiyonaga, E. (Coauthor) & Höger, R. (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  9. Keeping drivers engaged in automated driving through maneuver control- effects on perceived control and responsibility

    Siebert, F. (Speaker), Rathke, F. (Coauthor), Kiyonaga, E. (Coauthor) & Höger, R. (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  10. 34th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics

    Höger, R. (Participant)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  11. Fundierte Bewertung von Überflügen von Flugzeugen

    Mißfeldt, S. (presenter) & Höger, R. (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  12. Where do we look next? First steps towards a scan path theory.

    Höger, R. (Coauthor) & Schlorf, M. (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  13. 2017
  14. International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation 2017

    Höger, R. (Participant)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

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