Institute of Ethics and Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research

Organisational unit: Institute

Organisation profile

In the professorship, we address three main challenges for the fulfilment of this aspiration:

  • Consolidate the epistemological and methodological foundations of transdisciplinary sustainability research.
  • Enhance research at the science/society interface that has both scientific and societal relevance.
  • Enable students, researchers and societal actors to contribute to societal transformation with local and global impact.

We are rooted/embedded in the Faculty of  Sustainability and collaborate with different institutes at Leuphana and research institutions from around the world as well as with different societal actors and institutions from the private and public sector in Lueneburg and beyond. 

We creatively combine conceptual and empirical research with the development of new formats and environments.


Im Bereich der Forschung liegt der Schwerpunkt von Dissertationen und Drittmittelprojekten im Bereich der Wirtschaftsethik im Zeichen der Globalisierung, in der Staatsphilosophie sowie in aktuellen Fragen der Medizinethik.

Auch hier ist der transdisziplinär verstandene Nachhaltigkeitsbegriff das Band, welches den Umgang mit ethischen Dilemmata in verschiedenen Wissenschafts- und Lebensbereichen miteinander verbindet.

Besonderes Gewicht wird problemorientierten Lernprozessen mit intensivem, wechselseitigem Austausch zwischen Wissenschaftlern/-innen unterschiedlicher Disziplinen sowie relevanten gesellschaftlichen Akteuren beigemessen. Ethik wird in diesem Kontext als eine Begleitwissenschaft verstanden, der eine Schlüsselrolle in inter- und transdisziplinärer Forschung zu Themen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung zukommt.

  1. Article in conference proceedings › Research › Peer-reviewed
  2. Published

    Ambient Assited Energy Management

    Welge, R., Bollow, E., Faasch, H. & Möller, A., 2008, Environmental informatics and industrial ecology: proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management. Möller, A. (ed.). Shaker Verlag, p. 413-424

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Ambient Intelligence and Knowledge Processing in Distributed Autonomous AAL-Components: Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction

    Welge, R., Faasch, H. & Bollow, E., 2009, Universal access inhuman-computer interaction: Intelligent and Ubiquitous Interaction Environments - 5th International Conference, UAHCI 2009 - Held as Part of HCI International 2009, Proceedings. Stephanidis, C. (ed.). 2 ed. Springer, Vol. 5615. p. 258-266 9 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 5615 LNCS, no. PART 2).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Building Assistance Systems using Distributed Knowledge Representations

    Bollow, E., Faasch, H., Möller, A. & Welge, R., 2009, Environmental Informatics and Industrial Environmental Protection: Concepts, Methods and Tools: 23rd International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection. Wohlgemuth, V., Page, B. & Voigt, K. (eds.). Shaker Verlag, Vol. 1, Sessions. p. 120-135

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Einbettung von Methoden der Wissenstechnologie in humanzentrierte Assistenzsysteme

    Welge, R., Beitzel, J., Bollow, E. & Faasch, H., 2009, Ambient Assisted Living: Technologien, Anwendungen: Tagungsband 2. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung, 27. - 28. Januar 2009 in Berlin . VDE Verlag GmbH, 5 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    INSA – Indicator System Sustainable Agriculture

    Lutzenberger, A., Horn, A., Kahmann, B., Kilburg, M., Lichter, F., Mechsner, C., Priessner, C., Reinert, F., Röllig, M., Ruck, W., Stropahl, S. & Wilkens, V., 2012, Proceedings of the 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. Milan: ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, p. 600-603 4 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Merkmalsextraktion und semantische Integration von Ultrabreitband-Sensoren zur Erkennung von Notfällen

    Sachs, J., Helbig, M., Herrmann, R., Welge, R. & Bollow, E., 2010, Ambient Assisted Living 2010: 3. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung Assistenzsysteme im Dienste des Menschen - Zuhause und Unterwegs, 26. - 27. Januar 2010 in Berlin ; Tagungsbandbeiträge. Berlin u.a.: VDE Verlag GmbH, 5 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    Supporting sustainability transitions by enhancing the human dimension via empowerment, social learning and social capital

    Schäpke, N., Omann, I., Mock, M., Wittmayer, J. M. & von Raggamby, A., 2013, Pathways, Transitions and Backcasting for Low-Carbon and Sustainable Lifestyles : SCORAI Europe Workshop Proceedings, SCORAI Europe & InContext Workshop, 7-8 October 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands . Quist, J., Wittmayer, J., Umpfenbach, K. & Bauler, T. (eds.). Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative Europe, p. 277-293 17 p. (Sustainable Consumption Transitions Series; vol. 3).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Transition management as an approach to deal with climate change

    Wesely, J., Feiner, G., Omann, I. & Schäpke, N., 2013, Transformation in a Changing Climate: Proceedings; International Conference in Oslo 19 - 21 June 2013. U. O. O. (ed.). Oslo: University of Oslo, p. 43-52 10 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review

  10. Article in conference proceedings › Research › Not peer-reviewed
  11. Published

    Zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Rede von Werten in der Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik

    Oermann, N. O., 2010, Sei ökonomisch!: prägende Menschenbilder zwischen Modellbildung und Wirkmächtigkeit. Manzeschke, A. (ed.). Berlin, Münster: LIT Verlag, p. 17-28 12 p. (Leiten, Lenken, Gestalten : LLG ; Theologie und Ökonomie ; no. 30).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearch

  12. Special Journal issue › Research
  13. Published

    Gender perspectives in resilience, vulnerability and adaptation to global environmental change

    Ravera, F. (ed.), Iniesta-Arandia, I. (ed.), Martín-López, B. (ed.), Pascual, U. (ed.) & Bose, P. (ed.), 01.12.2016, Secaucus: Springer. 393 p. (AMBIO; vol. 45, no. 3 (Supplement))

    Research output: Books and anthologiesSpecial Journal issueResearch