1. 2015
  2. School of Management and Technology (Organisational unit)

    Paul Drews (Office)


    Activity: MembershipLeuphana academic councils and committeesLeuphana Academic Committees

  3. d3con - 2015

    Burkhardt Funk (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesTransfer

  4. 12th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik - WI 2015

    Burkhardt Funk (Organiser)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  5. School of Management and Technology (Organisational unit)

    Paul Drews (Member)


    Activity: MembershipLeuphana academic councils and committeesLeuphana Academic Committees

  6. 12. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik - WI 2015

    Paul Drews (Organiser)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  7. 23rd European Conference on Information Systems - ECIS 2015

    Paul Drews (Organiser)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  8. Americas Conference on Information Systems - AMCIS 2015

    Paul Drews (Organiser)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  9. Deutsche Gesellschaft Juniorprofessur e.V. (External organisation)

    Lin Xie (Member)

    2015 → …

    Activity: MembershipAcademic councils, panels and committeesResearch