School of Culture and Society
Organisational unit: Research School
Organisation profile
Leuphana University Lüneburg's School of Culture and Society is driven by the deep conviction that contemporary scientific and societal challenges can only be addressed by transcending traditional academic disciplines. Our college’s five institutes feature more than one hundred faculty from disciplines including art history, literary studies, media studies, philosophy, sociology, geography, and history. Together, they form a highly integrated network in terms of both their research and teaching, continuing a successful tradition of cooperation and collaboration in cultural studies that has defined our programme for almost forty years.
Main research areas
Culture and Society at Leuphana
More than 100 academics from the humanities and social sciences work at the School of Culture and Society at Leuphana. They pursue the shared goal of further developing the cultural studies project in the context of changing socio-cultural conditions. The point is not to dissolve individual disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, but rather to establish a specific cultural studies programme that aims at a critique of the present.
Research Areas
The School of Culture and Society focuses on cross-disciplinary research that explores questions that are highly significant to contemporary society. Our two primary research areas (Digital Cultures and Cultures of Critique) and our one research initiative (Cultures of Conflict) form a framework for innovative, advanced research in cultural studies. All of these research areas rely heavily on collaboration, and they include colloquia, conferences, and summer programs as well as ongoing collaborations with numerous externally funded projects.
- 2018
Frauen und Gleichstellung (Organisational unit)
Gaupp, L. (Full member)
01.11.2018 → 31.03.2019Activity: Membership › Academic councils, panels and committees › Transfer
Lively Artifacts. Heinz von Foerster and the Machines of His Biological Computer Laboratory
Müggenburg, J. (Speaker)
01.11.2018 → 04.11.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Senat (Organisational unit)
Gaupp, L. (Deputy member)
01.11.2018 → 31.03.2019Activity: Membership › Leuphana academic councils and committees › Leuphana Academic Committees
Stiftungsrat (Organisational unit)
O'Sullivan, E. (Member)
11.2018 → 11.2023Activity: Membership › Academic councils, panels and committees › Research
Crisis – Unrest – Common Sense.
Kuhn, H. (Speaker)
26.10.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Der Dunkle Transhumanismus
Hille, L. (Speaker)
25.10.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
O.K. Werckmeister und die kritische Kunstwissenschaft
Schneider, T. (Speaker)
25.10.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Urban Transdisciplinary Co-study in a Cooperative Multicultural Working Project
Kirschner, U. (Speaker)
24.10.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Modernité et pouvoir des images : l’énonçable et le visible
Nigro, R. (Speaker)
19.10.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › talk or presentation in privat or public events › Research
Wie sich heute noch die Frage des Museumspublikums aus einer sozialkritischen Sicht stellt
Kirchberg, V. (Speaker)
19.10.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
The Importance of Anticolonialism for '68 and International Solidarity in Art and Film
Leeb, S. (Speaker)
18.10.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Transfer
Knowing Colour - 2018/19
Beyes, T. (Organiser)
15.10.2018 → 01.02.2019Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › External workshops, courses, seminars › Education
4. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft - KWG 2018
Gaupp, L. (Organiser)
11.10.2018 → 13.10.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
Alternative Facts‹. Facticity and Factuality in Digital Media
Vehlken, S. (Speaker)
10.10.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Education
Goethe-Institut Bogotá
Leeb, S. (Visiting researcher)
07.10.2018 → 04.11.2018Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting an external academic institution › Transfer
The Body as An Indexical Reader
Gerhardt, U. (Curator), Birkenstock, E. (Curator) & Hennig, N. (Curator)
07.10.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › artistic events › Research
Paper: The Multilevel Governance of Deportation – is Access to local Membership possible?
Münch, S. (Speaker)
05.10.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Zurück zum Nationalstaat – die EU in der Krise? Die Bewertung der EU und Zustimmung zu weiteren Integrationsbemühungen vonseiten europäischer Bürger
Schwörer, J. (Speaker)
05.10.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
"Chagall on Loan: Nazi-Era Provenance Research and Art as Collateral"
Rother, L. (Speaker)
04.10.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Transfer
Standardisierung von Diversität in ‚globaler Musik’ zwischen intrinsischer Musikzensur und devianten Neuerungen
Gaupp, L. (Speaker)
04.10.2018 → 06.10.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Bildtechniken der Präzision in der Entwicklung visueller Statistik bei William Playfair
Sieber, J. (Speaker)
03.10.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Education
College (Organisational unit)
O'Sullivan, E. (Member)
01.10.2018 → 31.03.2020Activity: Membership › Leuphana academic councils and committees › Leuphana Academic Committees
Organisation und Moderation der PluraL und ZDEMO Film- und Vortragsreihe "Angekommen? Lokale und globale Perspektiven auf Flucht, Migration und Zusammenleben" (zusammen mit Thekla de Carvalho Rodrigues)
Münch, S. (Speaker)
01.10.2018 → 06.12.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Transfer
Worshop der Initiative "Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Bildung" und Vorbereitung zur Gründung eines interuniversitäten Instituts für sozialwissenschaftliche Bildung ISB
Oppermann, J. (Organiser)
01.10.2018 → 02.10.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
Concordia University
Pinkrah, N. Y. (Visiting researcher)
10.2018 → …Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting an external academic institution › Transfer
Institute of Sociology and Cultural Organization (Organisational unit)
Beyes, T. (Office)
10.2018 → …Activity: Membership › Leuphana academic councils and committees › Leuphana Academic Committees
Studienbrief für das Mastermodul Performativität der Fakultät Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaft, FernUniversität Hagen.
Woisnitza, M. (Consultant) & Wälchli, T. (Consultant)
10.2018 → 02.2019Activity: Consultancy
Teaching: Autocracies in International Relations (winter semester 2018-19, bachelor Political Science)
Šatra, P. (Speaker)
10.2018 → 02.2019Activity: Talk or presentation › talk or presentation in privat or public events › Education
Sixth Feminist Art History Conference
Mehl, I. (Participant), Lochner, O. (Speaker) & Mehl, I. (Speaker)
30.09.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
The Voices Within: Splitting Subjectivity in the Art Criticism of Jill Johnston and Lynne Tillman
Lochner, O. (Speaker)
30.09.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Transfer
27. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft - DVPW 2018
van Hüllen, V. (presenter)
28.09.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
Politische Diskurse über die Unternehmensbesteuerung
Leipold, A. (Speaker)
27.09.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
27. Congress of the German Political Science Association - GPSA 2018
Kruse, S. (presenter)
25.09.2018 → 28.09.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
DGS-Kongress Sektionsveranstaltungen 2018
Henkel, A. (Organiser), Schrage, D. (Organiser) & Schäfer, H. (Organiser)
25.09.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
Gemeinsames Forschungskolloquium (DoktorandInnen, HabilitandInnen)
O'Sullivan, E. (Participant), von Glasenapp, G. (Organiser), Dettmar, U. (Participant), Staiger, M. (Participant) & Tomkowiak, I. (Participant)
25.09.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › External workshops, courses, seminars › Education
Dritte Jahrestagung im Rahmen des Promotionsschwerpunkts „Dimensionen der Sorge“
Henkel, A. (Organiser)
24.09.2018 → 25.09.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
Alternative Mouse – Alternative User? Towards a History of Assistive Media
Müggenburg, J. (Speaker)
19.09.2018 → 22.09.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Internationa Conference Digital Cultures
Vehlken, S. (Speaker) & Beyes, T. (Organiser)
19.09.2018 → 22.09.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
Mapping Urban Information as an Interdisciplinary Method for Geography, Art and Architecture Representations
Kirschner, U. (Speaker)
18.09.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Politik mit dem Verbraucher?
Leipold, A. (Participant)
18.09.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › External workshops, courses, seminars › Transfer
Ein berühmter Lüneburger Nikolaus: Niklas Luhmann
Warnke, M. (Oral presentation)
17.09.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › talk or presentation in privat or public events › Research
Transdisziplinäre Popmusikforschung
Großmann, R. (Speaker)
15.09.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Education
Crumpled Times. Temporal and Epistemological Depths of Agent-Based Traffic Simulations
Vehlken, S. (Speaker)
13.09.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Der verteilte Blick
Warnke, M. (Speaker)
13.09.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
“Staging New Realities: Piscator’s Theater of Montage in the Wake of World War I”.
Woisnitza, M. (Speaker)
13.09.2018 → 15.09.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Exploring Urban Music Studies (Roundtable)
Kirchberg, V. (Speaker), Gaupp, L. (Speaker), Kuchar, R. (Speaker) & Barber-Kersovan, A. (Speaker)
07.09.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Fuchs, M. (Speaker)
07.09.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
Making Urban Spaces of Possibilities: Cultural Infrastructures and the Politics Of Cooperation In Real-Utopian Place-Making (Workshop)
Kirchberg, V. (Panel participant), Kagan, S. (Panel participant), Falzon, M.-A. (Panel participant) & Bingham-Hall, J. (Panel participant)
06.09.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
XXXII Annual Conference of the Italian Political Science Association - SISP 2018
Vercesi, M. (Chair)
06.09.2018 → 08.09.2018Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › Conferences › Research
Never Take It For Granted – Arts and Culture in the City Across Times and Places
Kirchberg, V. (Speaker)
05.09.2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research