Centre for Digital Cultures
Organisational unit: Institute
Organisation profile
Contemporary culture is characterized by the ubiquity of digital media technologies and infrastructures, which are constantly configuring our techniques for processing, storing, and transmitting data. As a result, our everyday practices of connecting, relating, reading, writing, perceiving, sharing, competing, and communicating are undergoing significant changes. At the same time, these technologies are closely tied to major societal challenges such as climate change, global conflicts, digital divides and social unjustness. In this dynamic context, the Centre for Digital Cultures (CDC) directly addresses the emergence of new and complex qualities of vernacular socio-technical life. This involves the development of advanced theory and innovative study programmes. We are concerned with the question of how we can understand and shape digital cultures today.
Main research areas
The digital shift re-shapes the cultural sectors, and, indeed, everyday life, politics, law, and economics. the Centre for Digital Cultures (CDC), affiliated to Leuphana University of Lüneburg, examines this shift through a range of interdisciplinary methodologies, including media, cultural and social studies, through knowledge creation and transfer, as well as by developing experimental and interventionist media practices. Established in 2012, as one of the first research centres in Europe to research the emergence of digital cultures, the CDC continues to produce cutting-edge research on socio-technical regimes of inclusion and exclusion. Since its inception, the CDC has built an innovative network and research environment, where academic institutions, practitioners, and civil society stakeholders engage with new concepts, formats, and applications within digital cultures.
Current Research Areas
- Climate Futures
- (B)Orders, Identities and Belonging in the Digital Age
- Cities, Infrastructures, Logistics, Platforms
- 2016
- Published
De-Anonymizing Anonymous: Review of: Gabriella Coleman, Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy. The Many Faces of Anonymous, London/New York, Verso, 2014.
Heinrichs, R., 08.2016, In: spheres - Journal for Digital Cultures. 2, Ecologies of Change, 5 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Critical reviews › Research
- Published
Spaces with a temper: On atmospheres of education
Michels, C. & Beyes, T., 17.06.2016, The Routledge Companion to Reinventing Management Education. Steyaert, C., Beyes, T. & Parker, M. (eds.). London: Taylor and Francis Inc., p. 312-329 18 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
#3 Unstable Infrastructures: spheres Editorial Collective
Apprich, C., Beverungen, A., Feigelfeld, P., Freudenschuß, M., Hille, L., Luchs, I., Simons, S., Wiedemann, C. & Yoosuf, H., 06.2016, In: spheres - Journal for Digital Cultures. 3, p. 1-3 3 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Other (editorial matter etc.) › Research
- Published
The Routledge Companion to Reinventing Management Education
Steyaert, C. (Editor), Beyes, T. (Editor) & Parker, M. (Editor), 31.05.2016, London : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 550 p. (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting)Research output: Books and anthologies › Book
- Published
Authority and Authorship: Uncovering the Socio-Technical Regimes of Peer-To-Peer Tourism
Bialski, P., 03.05.2016, Re-Inventing the Local In Tourism: Producing, Consuming and Negotiating Place. Russo, A. P. & Richards, G. (eds.). Bristol, GB: Channel View Publications Ltd, p. 35-49 15 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Chapter › peer-review
- Published
Das Wissen des Profils
Bernard, A., 30.03.2016, In: Arch + : Zeitschrift für Archithektur und Städtebau. 222, p. 120-121 2 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
La Vita in movimento: Per una ludicizzazione creativa
Ruffino, P., 15.03.2016, Oltre il gioco : Critica della ludicizzazione urbana. Bittanti, M. & Zilio, E. (eds.). 1 ed. Mailand: Unicopli, Vol. 28. p. 146-160 15 p. (Ludologica).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
Cybernetics: The Macy Conferences 1946-1953. The Complete Transactions
Pias, C. (Editor), 03.2016, Zurich: Diaphanes Verlag. 736 p.Research output: Books and anthologies › Collected editions and anthologies › Research
- Published
Collectives, Connectives, and the ‘Nonsense1 of Participation
Pias, C., 02.2016, ReClaiming participation: technology - mediation - collectivity . Denecke, M., Ganzert, A., Stock, R. & Otto, I. (eds.). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, p. 23-38 17 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
Pias, C. & Rieger, S., 02.2016, Vollstes Verständnis: Utopien der Kommunikation. Pias, C. & Rieger, S. (eds.). 1 ed. Berlin / Zürich: Diaphanes Verlag, p. 7-13 7 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review