Why protect nature? Relational values: the missing link in policies for the natural environment


The concepts of instrumental value (protecting nature for humans’ sake) and intrinsic value (protecting nature for nature’s sake) are fundamental to environmental policy. This paper — based on a literature review and critical analysis — argues that using these concepts alone overlooks important concerns for the environment. The authors recommend also considering relational values, which derive from the relationships between people and nature. See in http://ec.europa.eu/environment/integration/research/newsalert/pdf/why_protect_nature_relational_values_missing_link_policies_natural_environment_455na1_en.pdf


TitleWhy protect nature? Relational values: the missing link in policies for the natural environment
Degree of recognitionInternational
Media typePrint
Country/TerritoryEuropean Union
Producer/AuthorEuropean Commission DG Environment News Alert Service
PersonsBerta Martín-López


The concepts of instrumental value (protecting nature for humans’ sake) and intrinsic value (protecting nature for nature’s sake) are fundamental to environmental policy. This paper — based on a literature review and critical analysis — argues that using these concepts alone overlooks important concerns for the environment. The authors recommend also considering relational values, which derive from the relationships between people and nature. See in http://ec.europa.eu/environment/integration/research/newsalert/pdf/why_protect_nature_relational_values_missing_link_policies_natural_environment_455na1_en.pdf
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