ETH Zürich World Food System Center Summer School - 2013

Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventExternal workshops, courses, seminarsEducation

Sarah Velten - Participant

Sustainable Agriculture and the World Food System

The question of how to feed the world, while considering human health, the environment and social wellbeing is one of the defining challenges of our time.

The next generation of decision makers must take the lead in building sustainable food systems. If you want to be one of these leaders, join the World Food System Center‘s 2013 summer school in Switzerland.

Live, work, and learn on a pioneering organic farm during the harvest season.
Discuss challenges, opportunities, and innovations in food value chains, in a global context, with leading research institutes, industry partners, and civil society associations.
Critically reflect on different food production and distribution systems with like-minded, motivated students from around the world.
Learn how to apply systemic perspectives to food system challenges.
Exchange ideas and work on case studies to address contemporary challenges of the World Food System as part of an international, interdisciplinary team.

This immersive learning experience integrates: lectures, group work, case studies, workshops, excursions, art and creativity, and includes guest speakers and evening social and cultural activities. Each day participants will have the chance to do hands on work on the farm.
ETH Zürich World Food System Center Summer School - 2013


ETH Zürich World Food System Center Summer School - 2013: Sustainable Agriculture and the World Food System


Rheinau, Switzerland

Event: Other