Understanding Low-Code Evolution, Adoption and Ecosystem for Software Development

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet


Faced with the high demands of digital transformation, organizations have turned to low-code as a solution, utilizing visual programming to meet these challenges. Given that low-code is an emerging research phenomenon, there is little understanding of its origins, adoption motives and approaches, and its ecosystem. In my PhD thesis, I use qualitative and visualization methods to address these research gaps. My work has five contributions. First, I developed an intellectual map of the low-code literature and identified related research streams. Second, I created a model underscoring aspects that support or hinder low-code adoption. Third, I provide use cases demonstrating low-code adoption in established organizations and its use in the public sector during crises. Fourth, I identify the technology partnerships forming the low-code ecosystem. Fifth, I investigate the impact of generative AI on low-code adoption and whether it presents a threat to the low-code ecosystem.In conclusion, I outline potential directions for future research.
Titel ICSOB-C 2024, Software Business: PhD Retreat and Posters & Demos Track 2024 : Companion Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Software Business (PhD Retreat, Posters & Demos Track), Utrecht, the Netherlands, November 18–20, 2024
HerausgeberDeekshitha , Rodrigo Santos, Dron Khanna, Edona Elshan
Anzahl der Seiten9
VerlagRheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2025
Veranstaltung15th International Conference on Software Business - ICSOB 2024: Ethics, Equity, and Sustainability in Software Business - Utrecht, Niederlande
Dauer: 18.11.202420.11.2024
Konferenznummer: 15

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