The development and function of anger in childhood and adolescence

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenKapitelbegutachtet


Our purpose in this chapter is to describe how anger develops in complexity and scope across the age periods of infancy (0-1 year), early childhood (1 to 5 years), middle childhood (6 to 10 years), and preadolescence into late adolescence (11 to 19 years). We will include in our discussion how the appraisals involved in the elicitation of anger change with development, thus leading to differences in coping with anger, and we will also briefly address individual differences in anger development, including such issues as gender, culture, and temperament (or personality style).
TitelMultiple facets of anger : Getting mad or restoring justice?
HerausgeberFarzaneh Pahlavan
Anzahl der Seiten22
ErscheinungsortNew York
VerlagNova Science Publishers, Inc.
ISBN (Print)978-1-61761-195-7
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2011

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