Political parties in the new Europe: political and analytical challenges

Publikation: Bücher und AnthologienSammelwerke und AnthologienForschung


The scope and intensity of the challenges currently faced by West European political parties is exceptionally great, threatening the viability of the manner in which they have traditionally operated and causing them to seek new behaviours and strategies. This volume brings together some of the foremost scholars of European party politics, whose evaluation of political parties in 'the new Europe' is organised under four broad headings: 'Parties and Society'; 'Parties as Purposive Organizations'; 'Parties and National Government' and 'Parties, the Nation State, and Beyond'. The contributors review the latest empirical findings and provide a concise, critical review of the theoretical and methodological 'state of the art'. They also highlight the analytical challenges confronting party researchers and suggest new avenues for party research.
VerlagOxford University Press
Auflage1. publ. in paperback
Anzahl der Seiten391
ISBN (Print)0199283982, 9780199283989, 9780199253227
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2005

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  8. Rose Blanche, Rosa Weiss, Rosa Bianca
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  21. Karl Mays "Ardistan und Dschinnistan"
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  23. Reger, Erik (d. i. Hermann Dannenberger)
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  31. Die Farbbeutel-Rede Joschka Fischers
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  35. From the Precariat to the Multitude
  36. Vermittlungstheologie II. Dogmatisch
  37. Vorwort: Stadt als Möglichkeitsraum
  38. The Achilles' Heel of Absolute Power
  39. Democratic Congruence Re-Established
  40. Vorsorgendes Wirtschaften in Zeiten
  41. Feministisch ökologische Ökonomik
  42. »Kybernetik - passende Antwort: Cyborg«
  43. Strategien für deutsche Direktbanken
  44. Osteuropakompetenz sichert Vorsprung
  45. Crises at Work: Potentials for Change?
  46. Habermas and critical policy studies
  47. Soziale Herkunft und Kompetenzerwerb
  48. „Ist das dein Handy oder vibrierst du?“
  49. Freiheit der Kunst durch freie Werke?
  50. Abstraktion und Verlandschaftlichung