At what price? IP-related thoughts on new business models for space information

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet


Spatial data and imagery generators are set to become tomorrow's key players in the information society. This is why satellite owners and operators are examining new revenue-producing models for developing space-related products and services. The use and availability of broadband internet width and satellite data-based services will continue to increase in the future. With the capacity to deliver real-time precision downstream data, space agencies and the satellite industry can respond to demand for high resolution digital space information which, with the appropriate technology, can be integrated into a variety of web-based applications.1 At a time when the traditional roles of space agencies are becoming more hybrid, largely as a result of the greater drive towards commercial markets, new value-added markets for space-related information products are continuing to attract attention. This paper discusses whether traditional data policies on space data access and IP licensing schemes stand to remain the feasible prototype for distributing and marketing space data, and how this growth market might benefit from looking at an 'up and running' global IP management system already operating to manage end user digital demand.

Titel61st International Astronautical Congress 2010, IAC 2010 : Prague, Czech Republic, 27 September-1 October 2010.
Anzahl der Seiten11
VerlagInternational Astronautical Association (IFA)
ISBN (Print)9781617823688
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2010
Veranstaltung61st International Astronautical Congress 2010, IAC 2010 - Prague, Tschechische Republik
Dauer: 27.09.201001.10.2010
Konferenznummer: 61