International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, ‎1698-580X

Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

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  1. Branchenspezifische IT-Innovationssysteme: Von der Analyse zur Intervention - Am Beispiel des IT-Innovationssystems für Krankenhäuser in Deutschland
  2. From farm to factory. Vertical trading and processing structures between industrial and developing countries in the international tobacco-economy
  3. Translating interventions to improve competence, motivation, and support of heating professionals to increase energy efficiency in Swiss buildings
  4. Deliberative Politik und demokratische Legitimität: Perspektiven der Kritik zwischen empirischer Deliberationsforschung und reflexiver Demokratie
  5. Systematic study of the effect of non-uniform seal stiffness on the contact stress in flat-faced soft-seated spring operated pressure relief valves
  6. Psychological success factors of small scale businesses in Namibia: The roles of strategy process, entrepreneurial orientation and the environment
  7. Proceedings of the posters and demo track of the 15th international conference on semantic systems. 9th - 12th of September 2019, Karlsruhe, Germany
  8. Die Bedeutung des pädagogisch-psychologischen Wissens für die Qualität der Klassenführung und den Lernzuwachs der Schüler/innen im Physikunterricht
  9. Tropical cyclone losses in the USA and the impact of climate change - A trend analysis based on data from a new approach to adjusting storm losses
  10. Corrigendum to ‘Likelihood‐based cointegration tests in heterogeneous panels’
(Larsson R., J. Lyhagen and M. Löthgren, Econometrics Journal, 4, 2001, 109–142)
  11. Should we really ‘hermeneutise’ the Digital Humanities? A plea for the epistemic productivity of a ‘cultural technique of flattening’ in the Humanities.