Trajectory based Analysis and visualisation of coherent flow structures in stirred tank reactors
Aktivität: Vorträge und Gastvorlesungen › Präsentationen (Poster ua.) › Forschung
Thanh Tung Thai - Präsentator*in
Anna Klünker - Ko-Autor*in
Kathrin Padberg-Gehle - Ko-Autor*in
Christian J. Weiland - Ko-Autor*in
Eike Steuwe - Ko-Autor*in
Alexandra von Kameke - Ko-Autor*in
The analysis and quantification of fluid transport and mixing in chemical reactors is of great interest in order to avoid dead zones and to control heterogeneities in concentration distributions. From a Lagrangian perspective, coherent flow structures play a central role in this context. In the past few years, different computational methods have been developed to identify such finite-time coherent sets directly from trajectories of fluid particles. Such type of trajectory data is obtained via numerical simulations or lab experiments (e.g. by time-resolved particle tracking (4D-PTV) or by Lagrangian sensors).
In this contribution, we demonstrate the application of different trajectory-based approaches for the identification of coherent flow structures in stirred tank reactors. For this purpose, several recently proposed methods, such as spectral clustering of trajectories [1,2] or single-trajectory diagnostics [3] have been implemented in Python to improve performance and facilitate embedding.
In this contribution, we demonstrate the application of different trajectory-based approaches for the identification of coherent flow structures in stirred tank reactors. For this purpose, several recently proposed methods, such as spectral clustering of trajectories [1,2] or single-trajectory diagnostics [3] have been implemented in Python to improve performance and facilitate embedding.
XLIV Dynamics Days Europe
29.07.24 → 02.08.24
Bremen, Bremen, DeutschlandVeranstaltung: Konferenz
- Mathematik - Angewandte Mathematik, Computation in dynamical systems, Fluid