International Workshop: Contestation of hydraulic fracking in Europe and the USA: policies, publics and democracy - 2013
Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische Veranstaltungen › Konferenzen › Forschung
Thomas Saretzki - Organisator*in
International Workshop: Contestation of hydraulic fracking in Europe and the USA: policies, publics and democracy
10.10.2013 → 12.10.2013
International Workshop: Contestation of hydraulic fracking in Europe and the USA: policies, publics and democracy - 2013
International Workshop: Contestation of hydraulic fracking in Europe and the USA: policies, publics and democracy - 2013
10.10.13 → 12.10.13
Lüneburg, DeutschlandVeranstaltung: Workshop
- Politikwissenschaft - Fracking