12th Interpretative Policy Analysis Conference - IPA 2017
Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische Veranstaltungen › Konferenzen › Forschung
Thomas Saretzki - Sprecher*in
Assessing the impact of climate change for democracy – a turn to realism? Some remarks on Frank Fischer: “Climate Crisis and the Democratic prospect: Participatory Governance in Sustainable Communities. Oxford University Press 2017”
12th Interpretative Policy Analysis Conference - IPA 2017
12th Interpretative Policy Analysis Conference - IPA 2017: Activism, Populism, and the Future of the Democratic State
05.07.17 → 07.07.17
Leicester, Großbritannien / Vereinigtes KönigreichVeranstaltung: Konferenz
- Politikwissenschaft - Klimawandel, Demokratie