Zur interaktion koordinativer und propriozeptiver leistungen

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1. Purpose of the study: The aim of this study was to analyse whetherimproved coordinative performance is based on improved propriocep-tive capabilities. 2. Methods: 25 sportive participants were subdivided in one experi-mental (15 subjects) and one control group (10 subjects). Proprioceptiveperformance was analysed by reproducing a slowly-oscillating targetcourse via knee extension and flexion movements. Members of the ex-perimental group performed 5 series of random whole-body-vibrationof 60 seconds each between pre- and post-tests. Control subjects had arest period. 3. Results: Undershooting as well as overshooting errors can be identi-fied in nearly all participants. Overshooting errors were more prominentat the higher endpoint (max. knee angle) and undershooting errors we-re found at the lower endpoint (min. knee angle). A higher velocity com-pared to the target course became evident with respect to movement fre-quency. However, pre-post comparison showed small and statisticallyinsignificant (p>0.05) differences in all analysed parameters in bothgroups. Furthermore, no significant group differences could be identi-fied. 4. Discussion: The study at hand shows that the treatment has no influ-ence on proprioceptive performance. However, earlier studies found thatthe treatment greatly improves postural control (p<0.01). This diver-gence might be explainable on one hand by methodical aspects of mea-suring proprioception. On the other hand, stochastic resonance theoryprovides a platform to explain adaptations in motor control by the na-tural variability of neural processes
Translated title of the contributionInteractions of coordinative and proprioceptive performances
Original languageGerman
JournalDeutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)19-24
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Externally publishedYes