Welche Faktoren bedingen die Akzeptanz von Technologien zum digital-gestützten Üben durch Lehrkräfte? Eine systematische Literaturübersicht

Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch


The usage of technology by teachers in the school context should always serve a
purpose that promotes learning. For example, technology can be used for digital-
ly-enhanced practice, as it can facilitate the individualization of practice processes
and the provision of feedback. In order to promote the acceptance of technologies
for digitally-enhanced practice among teachers, it is necessary to identify the fac-
tors that influence the (intention to) use these technologies. The systematic litera-
ture review, therefore, summarizes study findings on the adoption of technologies
for digitally-enhanced practice among teachers through a systematic literature
search within six databases (including Scopus, APA PsycINFO, and ERIC). Based
on the theoretical models TAM and UTAUT, six studies demonstrated the mean-
ingfulness of five factors in explaining acceptance. In particular, performance
expectancy, i. e., whether a teacher perceives the usage of technology in the class-room as useful and enriching, emerged as an important predictor of intention to use and usage. To explain the intention to (further) use the technology, the experience regarding the usage of the technology and self-efficacy, in dealing with the technology and in designing lessons, seem to be particularly relevant. Actual use seems to depend in particular on reinforcement from the environment and on favorable conditions, such as the existing technical infrastructure or application knowledge. Overall, the studies considered showed a comparatively stable association between performance expectancy and (intention to) use, which is in line with meta-analytic findings. However, research on the factors explaining the acceptance of technologies for digitally-enhanced practice is still in its infancy.
The article provides implications for promoting the acceptance of technologies
for digitally-enhanced practice among teachers and for advancing the research.
Translated title of the contributionWhat factors determine teachers’ acceptance of technology for digitally-enhanced practice? A systematic literature review
Original languageGerman
Title of host publicationDigitales Lehren und Lernen im Fachunterricht : Aktuelle Entwicklungen, Gegenstände und Prozesse
EditorsAhlers Michael, Besser Michael, Herzog Christion, Kuhl Poldi
Number of pages26
Place of PublicationWeinheim
PublisherBeltz Juventa Verlag
Publication date21.11.2023
ISBN (print)978-3-7799-7092-7
ISBN (electronic)978-3-7799-7093-4
Publication statusPublished - 21.11.2023

Bibliographical note

Diese Publikation wurde gefördert durch den Open-Access-Publikationsfonds der
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

    Research areas

  • Educational science - Technology Acceptanc, Usage of digital technologies, Digitally- enhanced Practice, Systematic Literature Review, Teacher Education

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