Way out of the Supply Crises through Risk Minimization - Metrological Comparison of two Polypropylene Materials and Examination with Six Sigma Methods

Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review


The supply crisis has affected social life in almost all sectors. A supply crisis can be avoided or reduced significantly by employing a risk analysis and derived measures as a part of quality management. The present paper researches two polypropylene materials. The aim of this study is to provide answers and possibilities on how to reduce the risk of material shortage in the plastics industry without having to adapt the moulding tool and the process parameters of the injection moulding machine. This metrological study was executed with ultrasonic sensor housings of the automotive industry. To interpret the results accurately, two approaches are in pursuit, technical relevancy, and statistical significance. Both will be described in detail, with the contemplation and interpretation of the results. The statistical significance, as a method of the Six Sigma toolbox, employs the 95% confidence level, the null-hypothesis and the t-test.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Productivity and Quality Management
Number of pages23
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2023

    Research areas

  • Management studies - risk management, sustainable development, green/environmental productivity, supply chain quality management, Six Sigma management, recycled material, metrological comparison

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