The safe-and-sustainable-by-design concept: innovating towards a more sustainable future

Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review


  • Lya G. Soeteman-Hernández
  • Christina Apel
  • Bernd Nowack
  • Akshat Sudheshwar
  • Claudia Som
  • Elina Huttunen-Saarivirta
  • Anna Tenhunen-Lunkka
  • Johanna Scheper
  • Andreas Falk
  • Eugenia Valsami-Jones
  • Cris Rocca
  • Maurice Brennan
  • Amaya Igartua
  • Gemma Mendoza
  • Klara Midander
  • Emma Strömberg
  • Klaus Kümmerer
Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) is a new concept proposed by the European Commission to support the urgent need to transition towards a more preventive and proactive approach in chemical and material innovation which supports a more sustainable future and in meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. SSbD provides orientation and guidance by taking a system approach. SSbD building blocks were developed: regenerative corporate and societal strategic needs (considering service and function), risk and sustainability governance, competencies, and data management. This viewpoint brings these building blocks together in a holistic way to create an innovation landscape ensuring safer and more sustainable chemicals, materials, production processes and products in science, technology, and industry; starting from ‘design’ and that is fit for supporting a sustainable future.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEnvironmental Sustainability
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)363-368
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 24.09.2024

    Research areas

  • Chemistry - Innovation, building blocks, dy-design, sorporate strategy, gorvernance, competencies, data managment, lifecycle thingking