Systems Engineering in Public Administration: Proceedings of the IFIP Tc8/wg8.5 Working Conference on Systems Engineering in Public Administration, Lüneburg, Germany, 3–5 March, 1993

Research output: Books and anthologiesConference proceedingsResearch


The complexity of large systems in public administration progresses in terms of both quality and quantity year after year. Mastering complex systems is therefore assuming an increasing dominance in this area. Learning to master evolving systems needs at least a foundation in science and engineering know-how. The relationship between the professionals, such as system engineers "viewing from the outside" and the beneficiaries, such as public administration officials "using the computer systems on the inside" is therefore of prime importance if the many problems are to be solved. This book does not attempt to provide definitive answers but rather aims to give shape to our visions and ideas and to stimulate further discussion and research
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAmsterdam
PublisherNorth-Holland Publ Co
Number of pages170
ISBN (print)978-0-444-81560-6
ISBN (electronic)978-1-483-29844-3
Publication statusPublished - 1993
EventIFIP Tc8/wg8.5 Working Conference on Systems Engineering in Public Administration - Lüneburg, Germany
Duration: 03.03.199305.03.1993

Publication series

ISSN (Print)0926-5473