“Plantas que toda la vida han estado”: una co-investigación alrededor de la cocina y las relaciones bioculturales asociadas a plantas alimenticias locales en la ruralidad de Bogotá

Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review


A process of co-research with farmers in the rural area of Bogotá,
documented traditional culinary practices and held meetings to discuss
their territorial implications and the challenges of their transformations.
The dialogues promoted the reactivation of memories and perceptions,
linking the space of kitchens and territories, and included conversations
on the risks and opportunities of innovations triggered by urban-rural
relations. This research sheds light on the persistence of linkages related
to local biodiversity, which represent a key asset for the conservation of
biocultural diversity and of the material and immaterial heritage of Bogota.
Translated title of the contribution“Plants that have always been there”: A co-research around cooking and biocultural relationships associated with local food plants in rural Bogotá
Original languageSpanish
JournalRevista de Antropología y Sociología: Virajes
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)163-185
Number of pages23
Publication statusPublished - 07.2021



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