Offenheit eher eng gefasst: Open Educational Practices an niedersächsischen Hochschulen

Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearchpeer-review


In light of the pandemic-induced digitization push, this chapter investigates the
question of how far Open Educational Practices (OEP) are prevalent in higher education strategies at universities in Lower Saxony and how the universities report on OEP. Utilizing Bellinger and Mayrberger’s (2019) classification model, which allows to cluster OEP on a continuum from ‘very narrow’ to ‘rather very far open’, we investigate the 14 universities and applied universities which offer study paths in teacher training, pedagogy and educational science in Lower Saxony. Applying thematic analysis, we analyzed a variety of publicly available policies, documents and reports (n = 175). Based on the analysis, we show that the degree of openness underlying OEP can be described primarily as ‘rather narrow’. The data analysis further allows the conclusion that when Open Educational Resources are produced at the universities under study, the producers are primarily teachers, and production processes hardly involve students.
Translated title of the contributionOpenness conceptualized rather narrowly: Open Educational Practices at universities in Lower Saxony
Original languageGerman
Title of host publicationDigitales Lehren und Lernen im Fachunterricht : Aktuelle Entwicklungen, Gegenstände und Prozesse
EditorsMichael Ahlers, Michael Besser, Christian Herzog, Poldi Kuhl
Number of pages24
Place of PublicationWeinheim
PublisherBeltz Juventa Verlag
Publication date2024
ISBN (print)978-3-7799-7092-7
ISBN (electronic)978-3-7799-7093-4
Publication statusPublished - 2024
EventWorkshop für lehrkräftebildende Hochschulen Niedersachsens im Rahmen der „Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung“ : Digitales Lehren und Lernen im Fachunterricht: Aktuelle Entwicklungen, Gegenstände und Prozesse - Leuphana universität Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
Duration: 13.09.202213.09.2022