Institutional Perspectives on Digital Transformation

Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapterpeer-review


Undoubtedly, digital transformation is permeating all domains of business and society. We envisage this volume as an opportunity to explore how manifestations of digital transformation require rethinking of our understanding and theorization of institutional processes. To achieve this goal, a collaborative forum of organization and management theory scholars and information systems researchers was developed to enrich and advance institutional theory approaches in understanding digital transformation. This volume’s contributions advance the three institutional perspectives. The first perspective, institutional logics, technological affordances and digital transformation, seeks to deepen our understanding of the pervasive and increasingly important relationship between technology and institutions. The second perspective, digital transformation, professional projects and new institutional agents, explores how existing professions respond to the introduction of digital technologies as well as the emergence of new professional projects and institutional agents in the wake of digital transformation. The third perspective, institutional infrastructure, field governance and digital transformation, inquires how new digital organizational forms, such as platforms, affect institutional fields, their infrastructure and thus their governance. For each of these perspectives, we outline an agenda for future research, complemented by a brief discussion of new research frontiers (i.e., digital work and sites of technological (re-)production; artificial intelligence (AI) and actorhood; digital transformation and grand challenges) and methodological reflections.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDigital Transformation and Institutional Theory
EditorsThomas Gegenhuber, Danielle Logue, C.R. (Bob) Hinings, Michael Barrett
Number of pages32
PublisherEmerald Publishing Limited
Publication date23.09.2022
ISBN (print)978-1-80262-222-5
ISBN (electronic)978-1-80262-221-8
Publication statusPublished - 23.09.2022

    Research areas

  • Management studies - institutional theory, digital transformation, Affordances, Institutional logics, Professions, Institional infrastructure