Assessing Effects Through Laboratory Toxicity Testing

Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapterpeer-review


  • Jim Frazier
  • Jochen Pflugfleder
  • Pierrick Aupinel
  • Axel Decourtye
  • Jamie Ellis
  • Cynthia Scott-Dupree
  • Zachary Huang
  • Helen Thompson
  • Pamela Bachman
  • Axel Dinter
  • Mace Vaughan
  • Bernard Vaissière
  • Glynn Maynard
  • Muo Kasina
  • Erik Johansen
  • Claire Brittain
  • Mike Coulson
  • Roberta C.F. Nocelli

This chapter provides an overview of existing toxicity tests and their strengths and weaknesses, and discusses proposed modifications to existing studies, or additional studies that could address limitations in the current battery of studies. In the European Union (EU), regulatory authorities may require a bee brood feeding test to assess potential hazard of a pesticide on honey bee larvae. The chapter reports toxicity testing with some species of adult non-Apis bees with some frequency. It discusses some of the methods that have been developed to measure the potential sublethal effects of pesticides on honey bees. Laboratory toxicity tests are currently available for evaluating the potential effects of chemicals on bees. Laboratory-based studies will likely continue to focus on individual test organisms; and, although laboratory-based toxicity testing has historically focused on mortality, tests are evolving to provide insight on sublethal effects such as impaired behavior.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPesticide Risk Assessment for Pollinators
EditorsDavid Fischer, Thomas Moriarty
Number of pages20
PublisherWiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia
Publication date14.07.2014
ISBN (print)9781118852521
ISBN (electronic)9781118852408
Publication statusPublished - 14.07.2014

    Research areas

  • Adult oral chronic toxicity, Adult toxicity testing, Honey bee brood test, Laboratory toxicity testing, Non-Apis bees, Pesticides, Sublethal effects
  • Ecosystems Research