Arbeitszeiten von Ärzten – Tabellenband zu Auswertungen des Mikrozensus 2009 und der FFB-Ärzteumfrage 2002

Research output: Working paperWorking papers


This paper presents empirical results of the working hours of practitioners in Germany and shows descriptive findings of measures of location and distribution of the Mikrozensus 2009 and the FFBÄrzteumfrage 2002. It is based on the study
Zur Arbeitszeit von freiberuflichen Ärzten in Deutschland – Eine Übersicht über vorhanden
Informationen und Fallzahlen in amtlichen und nichtamtlichen Statistiken
(Merz und Peters 2013), where it is analyzed which microdata and in which manner microdata about practitioner’s working hours are available. The tables enhance information for ages until (inclusive) 65 years (Teil A) and from 30 yeras and older (Teil B) thus also with information for the above 65 year old..
In principle, tables according to measures of location and distribution of working hours are given also for several socioeconomic groups. The Mikrozensus data, besides to be age specific and available for self-employed and employed practitioners, allows information about the Bundesländer. The FFBÄrzteumfrage, beyond for all, allow results for self-employed practitioners (liberal professions). The working hours data of the FFB-Ärzteumfrage relate to liberal professional practitioners of the KV Nord.
Original languageGerman
Place of PublicationLüneburg
PublisherForschungsinstitut Freie Berufe
Number of pages32
Publication statusPublished - 11.2013

    Research areas

  • Economics - working hours, (liberal) professional practitioners, German official and non-official microdata, survey methodology, data access
