Game-Didaktik - Spielbasierte Lehre an der Leuphana

Project: Teaching

Project participants


Several meta-studies have shown that the use of game-based education can make a massive contribution to motivating learners more strongly and achieving greater learning success (e.g. Clark et al., 2016). With role-playing and digital learning games, for example, greater learning effects could be achieved within a few hours in research ethics training than in full-semester courses using conventional methods (Katsarov et al., 2021). The aim of the Game-Didaktik project is to utilize this immense potential for even more motivating and effective teaching across all faculties of Leuphana. A total of 6-9 courses are to be gamified in so-called "lighthouse projects" in order to demonstrate the added value of game-based education throughout the university. Teachers will be scientifically supported in the conception / identification, implementation and evaluation of educational games in their courses. A modularized training program will enable teachers at Leuphana to develop key competencies for game-based education in the future. Furthermore, a “Games for Higher Education” wiki will be created to draw teachers' attention to games that could enrich their teaching. Through a series of workshops to try out educational games, teachers will be invited to get to know and appreciate game-based education in a low-threshold way. Regular events of this kind and a final conference will contribute to community building and showcase what has been achieved at the university.