Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research (eIJTUR)

Project: Research

Project participants


 During the reporting period, the publication of the new International Journal on Time Use Research continued. The editors are Prof. Joachim Merz (also Managing Editor), Prof. Jonathan Gershuny (Essex, UK) and Prof. Andrew Harvey (Halifax, Canada). The electronic International Journal of Time Use Research (www.eIJTUR.org) is embedded in the International Association for Time Use Research (www.IATUR.org). This peer reviewed international journal is maintained by the FFB at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg and is published for free on the internet. eIJTUR's website has been developed and the first volume was published in August 2004, followed by two further volumes (Volumes 8 (2011) and 9 (2012)). In addition, the further incoming technical contributions are continuously supervised.

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