Ulf Brefeld

Prof. Dr.

  1. 2024
  2. PODIUMSDISKUSSION: Lehramtsstudium und/oder Künstliche Intelligenz? Ethische Herausforderungen in Bildung durch Technik.

    Mah, D.-K. (Speaker), Brefeld, U. (Speaker), Broy, W. (Speaker) & Kück, T. J. (Moderator)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventExternal workshops, courses, seminarsTransfer

  3. 2023
  4. Masked Autoencoder Pretraining for Event Classification in Elite Soccer

    Rudolph, Y. (Speaker) & Brefeld, U. (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationtalk or presentation in privat or public eventsResearch

  5. Data-efficient Pattern Detection in Elite Soccer

    Rudolph, Y. (Speaker), Faßmeyer, D. (Coauthor) & Brefeld, U. (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  6. 2022
  7. Modeling Conditional Dependencies in Multiagent Trajectories

    Rudolph, Y. (Speaker) & Brefeld, U. (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  8. Detection of tactical patterns using semi-supervised graph neural networks

    Anzer, G. (Speaker), Bauer, P. (Speaker), Brefeld, U. (Speaker) & Faßmeyer, D. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  9. 2020
  10. Graph Conditional Variational Models: Too Complex for Multiagent Trajectories?

    Rudolph, Y. (Speaker), Brefeld, U. (Coauthor) & Dick, U. (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  11. Companion Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge LAK20

    Neubauer , K. (Participant) & Brefeld, U. (Participant)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  12. 2018
  13. MDP-based Itinerary Recommendation using Geo-Tagged Social Media

    Gaonkar, R. (Speaker), Tavakol, M. (Speaker) & Brefeld, U. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  14. Concurrent Adaptive Tests for Formative Assessments in School Classes

    Bengs, D. (Speaker), Brefeld, U. (Speaker) & Kröhne, U. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  15. Educational Data Mining - EDM 2018

    Boubekki, A. (Coauthor), Jain, S. (Coauthor) & Brefeld, U. (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

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