Patrick Velte
Prof. Dr.
- Professorship for Business Administration, esp. Accounting, Auditing & Corporate Governance
- Institute of Management, Accounting & Finance
- Institute of Management and Organization
- Leuphana Law School (LLS)
- Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM)
- Research Center for Digital Transformation
- School of Sustainability

- Management studies - Financial Accounting, External Audit, Corporate Governance, Board composition, Board diversity, CSR Reporting, Integrated Reporting, Accounting regulation, Tax Accounting
- Sustainability Science - CSR Reporting, CSR Assurance, Integrated Reporting
- Law
Research areas
Bürokratieabbau um jeden Preis? Brüssel für den Aufwand für Unternehmen verringern, gefährdet aber den Green Deal
1 Media contribution
Berufsnachwuchs von morgen. Interview Prof. Dr. Patrick Velte
1 Media contribution
Wirtschaftsprüfer sollen Etikettenschwindel verhindern. Etwa 15.000 Firmen müssen ihre ESG-Berichte prüfen lassen. Hilft das gegen Greenwashing?
1 Media contribution