Christian Pfeifer

Prof. Dr.

  1. 2019
  2. Platz 287 im Handelsblatt-Ranking 2019 für Volkswirte (Lifetime)

    Pfeifer, C. (Recipient), 2019

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  3. 2017
  4. Platz 288 im Handelsblatt-Ranking 2017 für Volkswirte (Lifetime)

    Pfeifer, C. (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  5. Platz 95 im Handelsblatt-Ranking 2017 für Volkswirte (Forschungsoutput seit 2013)

    Pfeifer, C. (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  6. 2014
  7. 2012
  8. Best Young Researcher of the Year 2012 der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (3. Platz

    Pfeifer, C. (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  9. 2011
  10. SOEP Preis des DIW "Best junior publication 2011"

    Pfeifer, C. (Recipient), 10.2011

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  11. Best Young Researcher of the Year 2010 der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (3. Platz

    Pfeifer, C. (Recipient), 2011

    Prize: Leuphana internal Prize, Scholaships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch

  12. 2010
  13. IZA Research Fellow

    Pfeifer, C. (Recipient), 2010

    Prize: external Prizes, scholarships, distinctions, appointmentsResearch